Do It With Drupal: Anatomy of a Distribution: Open Atrium
- Open Atrium is a "team portal in a box" (AKA Basecamp alternative)
- Can be behind a firewall, is free,
- Putting people in different groups
- Comes with six features:
- Blog: turned on/off on a group-by-group basis
- Wiki
- Calendar- iCal feeds too
- Shoutbox - like private Twitter
- Case Tracker - ticketing system
- Group dashboard
- 75,000 downloads since July 17
- - 31+ levels to various extents; get updates that don't overwrite your custom updates
What are people doing with it
- Basic project management tool set
- Sprite-based theme (5.5 kb, 13.7 kb)
- Tailoring the system to your own needs
- Drupal Core, modules, plus Features module power Open Atrium
- People can customize their own dashboard
- Cross-posting to different groups disabled; also, Organic Group configuration much more simple (clear distinction between public and private)
Migrating into Open Atrium
- It's just a Drupal site, so in theory you can turn on the Open Atrium modules around your existing site (but this isn't suggested) - use some other way (Feeds module?) to aggregate existing content and put it into the new framework
- Migration is a solvable problem, but probably not in a generic way useful for the core project
Extended features
- Project status - time tracking and approval flow for a web shop
- World Bank did a highly customzied version; integration with Lotus Notes - their own internet behind a firewall; faceted search across their pre-existing staff directory; extended events system to help with scheduling
- Some custom coding went into the World Bank site, but a lot of what goes into it comes from configuring existing modules
How we use it
- Over 50% tickets
- Use blog instead of e-mail for the most part
Atrium's rules
- Works out of the box
- At least as simple as running straight from
- Once you install it, it's clear what the next step is - unlike Drupal, where you install it and wonder "what now?"
- Works with Aegir
- Doesn't hack core or contrib (except occasionally- there's a hack to Views that makes it translatable)
- Doesn't do everything - does a few things that are widely useful for intranets, and you can extend it
Things we'll never do
- Add a WYSIWYG; BUT, you can do that
- Add CVS integration (but see
- Add Alfressco integration - but someone else has tried this
- Investing some time in Google Docs integration
- Won't ever clone Basecamp - but someone wrote a theme that looks a lot like it (
- Add Sharepoint integration to base package
Things we will do
- Clearer branding- Drupalisms & Atriumisms beware!
- Drag and drop dashboards (
- Better admin experience (
- Pluggable search
- Improved l10n support- Drupal only supports one language at a time, we want to fix this
- Rewriting core functionality - upgrading to Context and Spaces, when we say "beta", we mean it
- Rework the "user space"
- A calendar with a user story
- Rewrite Case Tracker - this powers the to-do system, people want to customize the states cases can be in, kinds of cases, etc. (
- This is going to be painful, we'll provide upgrade paths
- Move to drush make (
- New on install profiles: lists of things that, all together, make a site