Gray Hair
May 15th 2024I found my first gray hair last Friday. At my age, it feels like an echo of puberty anxieties: who hasn't gotten their period yet? Several of my friends are fully and gloriously silver, but I found it curious that I hadn't noticed a single one during my regular hair dye as memorial ritual for Rebecca Munson... read more
The End of the World
March 14th 2024I teach DH-oriented project management as a tabletop role-playing game, dubbed the #DHRPG. Participants each play a different institutional role than their own: one undergrad playing a librarian, another playing a grad student... read more
January 19th 2024There were several years when I read a lot of "Captain Underpants", years before the kids could read the books themselves, and before they lost interest, save whatever nostalgia looks like to an 8-year-old... read more
Sorry This Is So Late (Mourning Braids)
January 8th 2024The downside of always weaving data is that there's less place to just screw around with technique. I tried introducing a few leno twists into the end of my Gideon the Ninth weaving, but they didn't really work out like I'd hoped... read more
Weaving Spanish Moss
January 2nd 2024With winter break starting so late this year, we went to central Florida to visit my father. On one of the first days, we took the kids to a park where the trees were lined with Spanish moss. I've always loved Spanish moss... read more
The Locked Loom 1: Gideon the Ninth
December 21st 2023I've declared this academic year the Year of the Loom at the Textile Makerspace. Last March I replaced my desk with a floor loom without knowing the first thing about them, but since September I've been making a lot of progress on making sense of weaving as a textile craft... read more
Finding 'close enough' text
September 7th 2023For people new to text analysis, it can be hard to wrap your head around the gap between what's completely obvious to you as a human and what's easily detectible by a computer. Especially when working with humanities data... read more
Coming to Terms with IDEs
August 23rd 2023This week Brandon Walsh finished up his summer of blogging, a series I very much enjoyed following along with. It was a refreshing reminder that a blog post doesn't need to be a whole production: jotting down and sharing a few thoughts or a tip or a workflow can have a lot of value for yourself and others... read more
What If...?
July 4th 2023This is the first time I've typed it: my high school Russian (and choir, and theater, but most of all Russian) teacher, Valerie Navarro, has died. There's a long list of high school friends and classmates I need to reach out to... read more
Missing Threads in a DH Origin Story
June 21st 2023The "DH origin story" has become a genre, as I'm reminded by Brandon Walsh's recent Scholars Lab post on his. I've written mine too, including a couple takes on coding at the Data-Sitters Club at the Data-Sitters Club... read more