Annotating geeky fashion (or, what I wore to DH 2014)

July 11th 2014

I've never really thought of myself as fashionable in any sense-- I can count every pair of shoes I own on one hand, own no makeup at all, and pick up clothing staples at the local Goodwill on half-price days... read more

AcWriMo: a postmortem

December 2nd 2012

AcWriMo completely failed to have the effect I'd hoped for, but I'm taking it as a sign of a positive change. One of the key axioms underlying life at UChicago is that you should always be working. I know people there who have hobbies that do not in any way relate to their professional careers... read more


November 3rd 2012

At the beginning of August, I moved from Chicago to Berkeley. It's been a wonderful change that has come with many upsides, including beautiful scenery, colorful local events, and other wonderful places just a short drive away... read more

Alternate uses for a Slavic degree: dummy content generator

July 10th 2012

As I've announced elsewhere, Drupal for Humanists is launching today on its own domain. I wanted to make sure that there was at least one case study available before launch, complete with a downloadable database and file system... read more

Drupal book progress (or lack thereof)

June 26th 2012

It's been about six months since Elijah Meeks and I kicked off our plan to write a book on Drupal for an audience of humanists, librarians, and higher-ed IT folks who support humanities research and teaching... read more

Scav hunt or Art? (a guessing game)

May 7th 2012

When spring comes to the University of Chicago campus, there are two annual events that inject a certain whimsical randomness into my work week: Scav Hunt and FOTA (Festival of the Arts). In the last few years... read more

Please don't ask me for permission

February 10th 2012

A few weeks ago I stumbled upon a blog post by Nina Paley, the cartoonist perhaps most famous for Sita Sings the Blues, that emphatically made the point that, with Creative Commons licenses, yes means yes... read more

Drupal for Humanists

January 26th 2012

One question I continue to hear from digital humanists and higher ed IT folks is "what book should I pick up to learn Drupal?" I never have a particularly good answer-- not because there aren't any good books out there (I assume there are)... read more

Where's the credit? Attribution in digital humanities slides

June 21st 2011

I've been at Digital Humanities 2011 since Sunday, and it's been as delightful and inspiring as always. This is the first time I've actively followed the tweet stream at a DH conference while I've been there in person... read more

Collaborations between R1's and liberal arts colleges will not succeed

June 12th 2011

In the week since the joint session between THATCamp LAC participants and the people at THATCamp Prime, I've found myself reflecting on that conversation a number of times. As I said then (in person, ... read more