Data: Discovering Tools, Resources, and Projects
<p>"inclusivity -- we need to do this in ways that don't require people to be techies" (<span accomplish="" bamboo="" class="glossary-term" do="" hope="" title="Initial Impressions and Questions: " what="" will="" you=""><abbr accomplish="" bamboo="" do="" hope="" title="Initial Impressions and Questions: " what="" will="" you="">Ex 1</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1b (Chicago; May 15-17, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1b (Chicago; May 15-17, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1b</abbr></span>-A)</p>
<p>"Multiple projects funded by <span class="glossary-term" title="The Bamboo Planning Project received funding from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation's Research in Information Technology Program (RIT), led by Ira Fuchs and Chris Mackie. The Bamboo Implementation Proposal was refined with that program in mind, but RIT was terminated before the proposal was funded."><abbr title="The Bamboo Planning Project received funding from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation's Research in Information Technology Program (RIT), led by Ira Fuchs and Chris Mackie. The Bamboo Implementation Proposal was refined with that program in mind, but RIT was terminated before the proposal was funded.">Mellon</abbr></span> -- identify them ... discoverable ... right now even at a single institution a <span class="glossary-term" title="The Bamboo Planning Project received funding from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation's Research in Information Technology Program (RIT), led by Ira Fuchs and Chris Mackie. The Bamboo Implementation Proposal was refined with that program in mind, but RIT was terminated before the proposal was funded."><abbr title="The Bamboo Planning Project received funding from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation's Research in Information Technology Program (RIT), led by Ira Fuchs and Chris Mackie. The Bamboo Implementation Proposal was refined with that program in mind, but RIT was terminated before the proposal was funded.">Mellon</abbr></span> project participant might not be aware of other <span class="glossary-term" title="The Bamboo Planning Project received funding from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation's Research in Information Technology Program (RIT), led by Ira Fuchs and Chris Mackie. The Bamboo Implementation Proposal was refined with that program in mind, but RIT was terminated before the proposal was funded."><abbr title="The Bamboo Planning Project received funding from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation's Research in Information Technology Program (RIT), led by Ira Fuchs and Chris Mackie. The Bamboo Implementation Proposal was refined with that program in mind, but RIT was terminated before the proposal was funded.">Mellon</abbr></span>-funded work at her university" (<span accomplish="" bamboo="" class="glossary-term" do="" hope="" title="Initial Impressions and Questions: " what="" will="" you=""><abbr accomplish="" bamboo="" do="" hope="" title="Initial Impressions and Questions: " what="" will="" you="">Ex 1</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1b (Chicago; May 15-17, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1b (Chicago; May 15-17, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1b</abbr></span>-C)</p>
<p>"Access to digital collections that address areas of teaching and research of particular interest ... can Bamboo make these collections more discoverable." (<span accomplish="" bamboo="" class="glossary-term" do="" hope="" title="Initial Impressions and Questions: " what="" will="" you=""><abbr accomplish="" bamboo="" do="" hope="" title="Initial Impressions and Questions: " what="" will="" you="">Ex 1</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1b (Chicago; May 15-17, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1b (Chicago; May 15-17, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1b</abbr></span>-C)</p>
<p>"Not so fast on getting rid of the 'tools:' Want to find more friendly consumer model of tech: don't want to know how to do it, just want to be told what tool to use" (<span accomplish="" bamboo="" class="glossary-term" do="" hope="" title="Initial Impressions and Questions: " what="" will="" you=""><abbr accomplish="" bamboo="" do="" hope="" title="Initial Impressions and Questions: " what="" will="" you="">Ex 1</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1b (Chicago; May 15-17, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1b (Chicago; May 15-17, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1b</abbr></span>-G)</p>
<p>"How to find out about resources?" (<span accomplish="" bamboo="" class="glossary-term" do="" hope="" title="Initial Impressions and Questions: " what="" will="" you=""><abbr accomplish="" bamboo="" do="" hope="" title="Initial Impressions and Questions: " what="" will="" you="">Ex 1</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1c (Paris; June 9-11, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1c (Paris; June 9-11, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1c</abbr></span>-A)</p>
<p>"Being able to find content is key. Being able to discover existing tools is key. Being able to learn how to use available tools is key. Develop particular kinds of interfaces that are standardized for canonical activities in A&H scholarship. Glue that cuts the learning-about-tools barrier for A&H scholars. Recognition that "standard" does limit function, but if the entry-point is easier and more sophisticated (in terms of functionality) that would be a win." (<span accomplish="" bamboo="" class="glossary-term" do="" hope="" title="Initial Impressions and Questions: " what="" will="" you=""><abbr accomplish="" bamboo="" do="" hope="" title="Initial Impressions and Questions: " what="" will="" you="">Ex 1</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1c (Paris; June 9-11, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1c (Paris; June 9-11, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1c</abbr></span>-C)</p>
<p>"How do new faculty learn about what these tools are available for them? What kinds of tools are available, e.g. bibliographic tools, annotation tools." (<span accomplish="" bamboo="" class="glossary-term" do="" hope="" title="Initial Impressions and Questions: " what="" will="" you=""><abbr accomplish="" bamboo="" do="" hope="" title="Initial Impressions and Questions: " what="" will="" you="">Ex 1</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1d</abbr></span>-A)</p>
<p>"Would like to see a growing awareness of what the tools discovery process is so entrenched. But what if we find them? Old interfaces, defunct languages, different purposes.. still effectively unusable. So then what are the obstacles to re-use? Discovery alone is not enough." (<span accomplish="" bamboo="" class="glossary-term" do="" hope="" title="Initial Impressions and Questions: " what="" will="" you=""><abbr accomplish="" bamboo="" do="" hope="" title="Initial Impressions and Questions: " what="" will="" you="">Ex 1</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1d</abbr></span>-A)</p>
<p>"how to find info in different formats? integration to ake something discoverable. lists won't go away; even with well-described data, someone needs to draw context." (<span accomplish="" bamboo="" class="glossary-term" do="" hope="" title="Initial Impressions and Questions: " what="" will="" you=""><abbr accomplish="" bamboo="" do="" hope="" title="Initial Impressions and Questions: " what="" will="" you="">Ex 1</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1d</abbr></span>-C)</p>
<p>"CL is popular, people know "start there". maybe bamboo could achieve a similar degree of ubiquity as a starting point." (<span accomplish="" bamboo="" class="glossary-term" do="" hope="" title="Initial Impressions and Questions: " what="" will="" you=""><abbr accomplish="" bamboo="" do="" hope="" title="Initial Impressions and Questions: " what="" will="" you="">Ex 1</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1d</abbr></span>-C)</p>
<p>"there are lists in every discipline, but CL model may not work because descriptions vary. "librarians as brokers"; we need a group to curate the research apparatus. how to taxonomicaly characterize? "rosetta stone" of research." (<span accomplish="" bamboo="" class="glossary-term" do="" hope="" title="Initial Impressions and Questions: " what="" will="" you=""><abbr accomplish="" bamboo="" do="" hope="" title="Initial Impressions and Questions: " what="" will="" you="">Ex 1</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1d</abbr></span>-C)</p>
<p>""middleware"; create a tool which brings existing tools to everyone on their own taxonomic terms. how do we apply that to "i'm a researcher; help!"" (<span accomplish="" bamboo="" class="glossary-term" do="" hope="" title="Initial Impressions and Questions: " what="" will="" you=""><abbr accomplish="" bamboo="" do="" hope="" title="Initial Impressions and Questions: " what="" will="" you="">Ex 1</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1d</abbr></span>-C)</p>
<p>"question of advertising what you have and what you need. ex: curator digitizing a manuscript, needed an expert in ancient persian. how to find that person? their art librarian went to the right mailing list and luckily found someone, but might not have." (<span accomplish="" bamboo="" class="glossary-term" do="" hope="" title="Initial Impressions and Questions: " what="" will="" you=""><abbr accomplish="" bamboo="" do="" hope="" title="Initial Impressions and Questions: " what="" will="" you="">Ex 1</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1d</abbr></span>-C)</p>
<p>"we don't know what is available" (<span accomplish="" bamboo="" class="glossary-term" do="" hope="" title="Initial Impressions and Questions: " what="" will="" you=""><abbr accomplish="" bamboo="" do="" hope="" title="Initial Impressions and Questions: " what="" will="" you="">Ex 1</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1d</abbr></span>-D)</p>
<p>"Make technologies accessible to Humanities Scholars - easy to find" (<span accomplish="" bamboo="" class="glossary-term" do="" hope="" title="Initial Impressions and Questions: " what="" will="" you=""><abbr accomplish="" bamboo="" do="" hope="" title="Initial Impressions and Questions: " what="" will="" you="">Ex 1</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1d</abbr></span>-D)</p>
<p>"Importance of resource discovery, maintenance, accommodate multiple ontologies, longevity, sustainability" (<span accomplish="" bamboo="" class="glossary-term" do="" hope="" title="Initial Impressions and Questions: " what="" will="" you=""><abbr accomplish="" bamboo="" do="" hope="" title="Initial Impressions and Questions: " what="" will="" you="">Ex 1</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1d</abbr></span>-G)</p>
<p>"What about finding what's out there, or advertising what we've done? Discovery of tools, yes, a problem" (<span accomplish="" bamboo="" class="glossary-term" do="" hope="" title="Initial Impressions and Questions: " what="" will="" you=""><abbr accomplish="" bamboo="" do="" hope="" title="Initial Impressions and Questions: " what="" will="" you="">Ex 1</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1d</abbr></span>-G)</p>
<p>"How do we find the good work done by others?" (<span accomplish="" bamboo="" class="glossary-term" do="" hope="" title="Initial Impressions and Questions: " what="" will="" you=""><abbr accomplish="" bamboo="" do="" hope="" title="Initial Impressions and Questions: " what="" will="" you="">Ex 1</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1d</abbr></span>-H)</p>
<p>"Bamboo as home depot, huge numbers of tools, how know best for job? Personal advice on how to evaluate the best tool for the job. Would be helpful to be guided how to choose, think the tools are out there, but don't know how to find them." (Day 2, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1a (Berkeley; April 28-30, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1a (Berkeley; April 28-30, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1a</abbr></span>)</p>
<p>"Identifying new tools available. Often happens through networking." (<span a="" class="glossary-term" day="" during="" good="" really="" title="Exploring Scholarly Practice: "><abbr a="" day="" during="" good="" really="" title="Exploring Scholarly Practice: ">Ex 2</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1a (Berkeley; April 28-30, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1a (Berkeley; April 28-30, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1a</abbr></span>-C)</p>
<p>"A google of most-referenced pieces. affinity algorithms, expert tagging, learning what is good and what is bad. Online socially-enhanced version of EndNote or RefWorks. A trusted evaluation & classification of resources. Would people tag things? What about methodological clashes? Grade the resource at the end? A guided get-started, most-used list as a first cut. Citation index for all arts & humanities journals? Old systems failed the "completeness" test. How do we blend the new/untried with the expert/high quality? High value to one might be low value to another? Avoid too much reliance on a highly-engaged small group?" (<span a="" class="glossary-term" day="" during="" good="" really="" title="Exploring Scholarly Practice: "><abbr a="" day="" during="" good="" really="" title="Exploring Scholarly Practice: ">Ex 2</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1b (Chicago; May 15-17, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1b (Chicago; May 15-17, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1b</abbr></span>-C)</p>
<p>"As a user, can you find the tools, and is there enough information to use them?" (<span a="" class="glossary-term" day="" during="" good="" really="" title="Exploring Scholarly Practice: "><abbr a="" day="" during="" good="" really="" title="Exploring Scholarly Practice: ">Ex 2</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1c (Paris; June 9-11, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1c (Paris; June 9-11, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1c</abbr></span>-A)</p>
<p>"In terms of information, we have various challenges in getting information out. Could do better. Get someone to build and publish code. Put it up on web, say come and use it - and develop it! Does not work." (<span a="" class="glossary-term" day="" during="" good="" really="" title="Exploring Scholarly Practice: "><abbr a="" day="" during="" good="" really="" title="Exploring Scholarly Practice: ">Ex 2</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1c (Paris; June 9-11, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1c (Paris; June 9-11, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1c</abbr></span>-A)</p>
<p>"How would I put someone in touch with these tools? At the moment, they're not well-documented, which is the purpose of surveys. Happens in the context of a project, and then disappears. One of key issues? How to keep these tools from being lost after the project dies? Video tools can last if it gets published formally, i.e. in broadcast." (<span a="" class="glossary-term" day="" during="" good="" really="" title="Exploring Scholarly Practice: "><abbr a="" day="" during="" good="" really="" title="Exploring Scholarly Practice: ">Ex 2</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1c (Paris; June 9-11, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1c (Paris; June 9-11, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1c</abbr></span>-B)</p>
<p>"Like a course site but it's a faculty site. They train ea other, group leader for each project. Entails 3 things; sharing syllabus and assignnent, important advice, and modeling their own course sites w/ a peer review process of their own course site. Past work doesn't serve me now. Used to working w/ individual authors and reviewers, a lot now done in different ways now." (<span a="" class="glossary-term" day="" during="" good="" really="" title="Exploring Scholarly Practice: "><abbr a="" day="" during="" good="" really="" title="Exploring Scholarly Practice: ">Ex 2</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1d</abbr></span>-D)</p>
<p>""trying to develop the discovery mechanisms" for scholar to know what's already been done. what other pieces of content are necessary to be useful to the scholar? struggle to have a corpus large enough. example from art history of having a large enough collection of images of, say, vases from different areas and periods. aggregation as well as context, metadata. tension between common denominator approach vs. building sophisticated tools. technologies, organizations, faculty with specific needs vs. trying to build common infrastructure for broad use." (<span a="" class="glossary-term" day="" during="" good="" really="" title="Exploring Scholarly Practice: "><abbr a="" day="" during="" good="" really="" title="Exploring Scholarly Practice: ">Ex 2</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1d</abbr></span>-F)</p>
<p>"When I look for a tool, I see what other people say about it. Maybe there's too few people using it, or writing it up because that takes time" (<span are="" class="glossary-term" common="" emerged="" exploration="" from="" have="" of="" practices="" scholarly="" that="" themes="" title="Common and Uncommon: " what="" your=""><abbr are="" common="" emerged="" exploration="" from="" have="" of="" practices="" scholarly="" that="" themes="" title="Common and Uncommon: " what="" your="">Ex 3</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1c (Paris; June 9-11, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1c (Paris; June 9-11, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1c</abbr></span>-D)</p>
<p>"It's not just time - I'm not quite sure what's out there. I can see how colleagues who can't do the other bits (i.e. go to Sourceforge); it may not be great but it gets the job done. When I create a tool, that's ok, but not when I have to write a biography." (<span are="" class="glossary-term" common="" emerged="" exploration="" from="" have="" of="" practices="" scholarly="" that="" themes="" title="Common and Uncommon: " what="" your=""><abbr are="" common="" emerged="" exploration="" from="" have="" of="" practices="" scholarly="" that="" themes="" title="Common and Uncommon: " what="" your="">Ex 3</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1c (Paris; June 9-11, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1c (Paris; June 9-11, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1c</abbr></span>-D)</p>
<p>"We should consider building social networking tools that enable people to articulate needs among others with an interest to be able to point or volunteer to build/create." (<span are="" class="glossary-term" common="" emerged="" exploration="" from="" have="" of="" practices="" scholarly="" that="" themes="" title="Common and Uncommon: " what="" your=""><abbr are="" common="" emerged="" exploration="" from="" have="" of="" practices="" scholarly="" that="" themes="" title="Common and Uncommon: " what="" your="">Ex 3</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1d</abbr></span>-E)</p>
<p>"Your tool over time would teach you to rely on certain scholars; also be able to find their comments. Folksonomies where anyone can comment > how useful is that? You might want to block comments in Chinese, by certain scholars, before this date, etc." (<span are="" class="glossary-term" discrete="" in="" involved="" practices="" themes="" these="" title="Unpacking a Commonality: " what=""><abbr are="" discrete="" in="" involved="" practices="" themes="" these="" title="Unpacking a Commonality: " what="">Ex 4</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1d</abbr></span>-E)</p>
<p>"if i'm interested in a project, i would like to know what exists. ex. biographical databases." (<span are="" class="glossary-term" discrete="" in="" involved="" practices="" themes="" these="" title="Unpacking a Commonality: " what=""><abbr are="" discrete="" in="" involved="" practices="" themes="" these="" title="Unpacking a Commonality: " what="">Ex 4</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1d</abbr></span>-F)</p>
<p>"Wrong to see these things as built into a massive architecture that would then be used across the board. Ultimately looking at obsolence too quickly. Provide a resource center? Or a repository? For tools, software, etc. to be used. Funding opportunities for infrastructure to developing these tools. Every collection of tools will be outdated immediately. Full involvement of community to delay obsolence, and to avoid unnecessary expenditure of energy for something that might ultimately not be useful. More likelihood for people to be willing to invest in software that they've already used, and that they're familiar with. Obviously, open-source makes this more feasible." (<span are="" class="glossary-term" discrete="" in="" involved="" practices="" themes="" these="" title="Unpacking the Uncommon: " what=""><abbr are="" discrete="" in="" involved="" practices="" themes="" these="" title="Unpacking the Uncommon: " what="">Ex 5</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1c (Paris; June 9-11, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1c (Paris; June 9-11, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1c</abbr></span>-B)</p>
<p>"As increase in technical sophistication, least common denominator will ramp up slowly. No other way to address the problem unless you're willing to address the pain of dual systems. You want to know from someone else working on a comparable thing, what have they done it? LibraryThing, building up your collection and sharing with others. There's things like EndNote, where you can manage it and build a database, be advised about proprietary systems. What we could do is set out the options that we're aware of, that exist. Being a place where you can come and get all the info. There's an opportunity for libraries, personal information environments and relationship to institutional environments" (<span are="" class="glossary-term" discrete="" in="" involved="" practices="" themes="" these="" title="Unpacking the Uncommon: " what=""><abbr are="" discrete="" in="" involved="" practices="" themes="" these="" title="Unpacking the Uncommon: " what="">Ex 5</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1c (Paris; June 9-11, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1c (Paris; June 9-11, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1c</abbr></span>-D)</p>
<p>"We need a peer review for the stuff that matters to us now. Way of referencing a vetting process. Attempts to do that: Merlot w/ pedagogical tools. More than a social network. Work and digital scholarship for peer review." (<span at="" class="glossary-term" graduate="" look="" new-hires="" or="" students="" title="Identify Future Scholarly Practices: " up-and-coming="" when="" you=""><abbr at="" graduate="" look="" new-hires="" or="" students="" title="Identify Future Scholarly Practices: " up-and-coming="" when="" you="">Ex 6a</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1d</abbr></span>-F)</p>
<p>"needs human interpreter - some way to get info about the tools without high need for technical knowledge" (<span a="" class="glossary-term" had="" if="" magic="" title="Magic wand: " wand="" you=""><abbr a="" had="" if="" magic="" title="Magic wand: " wand="" you="">Ex 6b</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1a (Berkeley; April 28-30, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1a (Berkeley; April 28-30, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1a</abbr></span>-A)</p>
<p>"Redundancy dissolver. I would like to free up money within projects. I try to pay people. Bamboo needs to make people opt out instead of in to using other technology solutions." (<span a="" class="glossary-term" had="" if="" magic="" title="Magic wand: " wand="" you=""><abbr a="" had="" if="" magic="" title="Magic wand: " wand="" you="">Ex 6b</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1a (Berkeley; April 28-30, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1a (Berkeley; April 28-30, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1a</abbr></span>-C)</p>
<p>"Assess quality of on-line assets" (<span a="" class="glossary-term" had="" if="" magic="" title="Magic wand: " wand="" you=""><abbr a="" had="" if="" magic="" title="Magic wand: " wand="" you="">Ex 6b</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1a (Berkeley; April 28-30, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1a (Berkeley; April 28-30, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1a</abbr></span>-F)</p>
<p>"Discover digital tools of real scholarly utility" (<span a="" class="glossary-term" had="" if="" magic="" title="Magic wand: " wand="" you=""><abbr a="" had="" if="" magic="" title="Magic wand: " wand="" you="">Ex 6b</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1a (Berkeley; April 28-30, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1a (Berkeley; April 28-30, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1a</abbr></span>-F)</p>
<p>"Discover digital tools/resources that are available without having to spend loads of time or get converscent in stuff outside my field" (<span a="" class="glossary-term" had="" if="" magic="" title="Magic wand: " wand="" you=""><abbr a="" had="" if="" magic="" title="Magic wand: " wand="" you="">Ex 6b</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1a (Berkeley; April 28-30, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1a (Berkeley; April 28-30, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1a</abbr></span>-F)</p>
<p>"Need a self-maintaining way of tracking project activities to see who's involved and what state it's in. Want inference based on conversations that are happening. Would like an index of similar projects." (<span a="" class="glossary-term" had="" if="" magic="" title="Magic wand: " wand="" you=""><abbr a="" had="" if="" magic="" title="Magic wand: " wand="" you="">Ex 6b</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1a (Berkeley; April 28-30, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1a (Berkeley; April 28-30, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1a</abbr></span>-G)</p>
<p>"What about sharing info. about sources and where to find them. I see a wiki about where to find things in different languages" (<span a="" class="glossary-term" had="" if="" magic="" title="Magic wand: " wand="" you=""><abbr a="" had="" if="" magic="" title="Magic wand: " wand="" you="">Ex 6b</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1a (Berkeley; April 28-30, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1a (Berkeley; April 28-30, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1a</abbr></span>-G)</p>
<p>"if there's a tool, would people actually use it? need to be able to imagine use of it -- see examples" (<span a="" class="glossary-term" had="" if="" magic="" title="Magic wand: " wand="" you=""><abbr a="" had="" if="" magic="" title="Magic wand: " wand="" you="">Ex 6b</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1b (Chicago; May 15-17, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1b (Chicago; May 15-17, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1b</abbr></span>-A)</p>
<p>"Easy (for users) Content Management; make others' solutions available to humanities faculty in our institution." (<span a="" class="glossary-term" had="" if="" magic="" title="Magic wand: " wand="" you=""><abbr a="" had="" if="" magic="" title="Magic wand: " wand="" you="">Ex 6b</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1b (Chicago; May 15-17, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1b (Chicago; May 15-17, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1b</abbr></span>-B)</p>
<p>"A research discovery service, finding out what research is happening elsewhere in an institution. Where relevant tools, resources, experience and expertise are within an institution. Useful for matchmaking for collaborative/interdisciplinary research. Perhaps by discipline? - Facilitating. Perhaps turning it into a yellow pages type interface . Tools that would more actively promote new collaborative possibilities, while preserving individual institutions to promote careers in the humanities." (<span a="" class="glossary-term" had="" if="" magic="" title="Magic wand: " wand="" you=""><abbr a="" had="" if="" magic="" title="Magic wand: " wand="" you="">Ex 6b</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1c (Paris; June 9-11, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1c (Paris; June 9-11, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1c</abbr></span>-A)</p>
<p>"Instant understanding of all available technology so that I can evaluate which are most useful and appropriate" (<span a="" class="glossary-term" had="" if="" magic="" title="Magic wand: " wand="" you=""><abbr a="" had="" if="" magic="" title="Magic wand: " wand="" you="">Ex 6b</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1c (Paris; June 9-11, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1c (Paris; June 9-11, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1c</abbr></span>-B)</p>
<p>"Can we help people know in some centralized way what is available - Google-like search for tools that fit their needs." (<span a="" class="glossary-term" had="" if="" magic="" title="Magic wand: " wand="" you=""><abbr a="" had="" if="" magic="" title="Magic wand: " wand="" you="">Ex 6b</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1d</abbr></span>-A)</p>
<p>"stop duplicating efforts." (<span a="" class="glossary-term" had="" if="" magic="" title="Magic wand: " wand="" you=""><abbr a="" had="" if="" magic="" title="Magic wand: " wand="" you="">Ex 6b</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1d</abbr></span>-B)</p>
<p>"How do people in specialized areas find where the valuable digital resources are? Before, they relied on catalogs; you don't have that same organization now. Magic clearinghouse. Something beyond Google; it's pretty good, but it doesn't pick up everything. Difficulty of knowing who's doing what; what's been presented; what research is in progress that you can benefit from, contact, tag onto" (<span a="" class="glossary-term" had="" if="" magic="" title="Magic wand: " wand="" you=""><abbr a="" had="" if="" magic="" title="Magic wand: " wand="" you="">Ex 6b</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1d</abbr></span>-C)</p>
<p>"Who has what skills that might help your project? Craigslist of specialized skills (unusual language skills, etc.) There's eLance for freelance people (on the business end)" (<span a="" class="glossary-term" had="" if="" magic="" title="Magic wand: " wand="" you=""><abbr a="" had="" if="" magic="" title="Magic wand: " wand="" you="">Ex 6b</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1d</abbr></span>-C)</p>
<p>"we would need an online digital agent to help find stuff. MIT media lab is working on something." (<span a="" class="glossary-term" had="" if="" magic="" title="Magic wand: " wand="" you=""><abbr a="" had="" if="" magic="" title="Magic wand: " wand="" you="">Ex 6b</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1d</abbr></span>-D)</p>
<p>"best practices everywhere. how did you use your tool effectively? really assessed methods. moderated, peer reviewed directory. it's great to share things but how effective were they really?" (<span a="" class="glossary-term" had="" if="" magic="" title="Magic wand: " wand="" you=""><abbr a="" had="" if="" magic="" title="Magic wand: " wand="" you="">Ex 6b</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1d</abbr></span>-D)</p>
<p>"Growing awareness of projects, perhaps a shared taxonomy" (<span a="" class="glossary-term" had="" if="" magic="" title="Magic wand: " wand="" you=""><abbr a="" had="" if="" magic="" title="Magic wand: " wand="" you="">Ex 6b</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1d</abbr></span>-F)</p>
<p>"Expose faculty to models; create sustainable models; help faculty conceive projects using preexisting tools" (<span a="" class="glossary-term" had="" if="" magic="" title="Magic wand: " wand="" you=""><abbr a="" had="" if="" magic="" title="Magic wand: " wand="" you="">Ex 6b</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1d</abbr></span>-F)</p>
<p>"An enumeration of the projects, tools that currently exist and the people and institutions involved." (<span a="" activities="" and="" bamboo="" be="" best="" by="" class="glossary-term" consortial="" discuss="" effort="" explain="" future="" like="" practices="" supported="" think="" title="Opportunities for Bamboo: " which="" why.="" would="" you=""><abbr a="" activities="" and="" bamboo="" be="" best="" by="" consortial="" discuss="" effort="" explain="" future="" like="" practices="" supported="" think="" title="Opportunities for Bamboo: " which="" why.="" would="" you="">Ex 7</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1a (Berkeley; April 28-30, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1a (Berkeley; April 28-30, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1a</abbr></span>-B)</p>
<p>"Discovery is low hanging fruit." (<span a="" activities="" and="" bamboo="" be="" best="" by="" class="glossary-term" consortial="" discuss="" effort="" explain="" future="" like="" practices="" supported="" think="" title="Opportunities for Bamboo: " which="" why.="" would="" you=""><abbr a="" activities="" and="" bamboo="" be="" best="" by="" consortial="" discuss="" effort="" explain="" future="" like="" practices="" supported="" think="" title="Opportunities for Bamboo: " which="" why.="" would="" you="">Ex 7</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1a (Berkeley; April 28-30, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1a (Berkeley; April 28-30, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1a</abbr></span>-D)</p>
<p>"a craigslist for project development? "I've got data, I've got a supercomputer with spare cycles, I've got algorithms I need to test."" (<span a="" activities="" and="" bamboo="" be="" best="" by="" class="glossary-term" consortial="" discuss="" effort="" explain="" future="" like="" practices="" supported="" think="" title="Opportunities for Bamboo: " which="" why.="" would="" you=""><abbr a="" activities="" and="" bamboo="" be="" best="" by="" consortial="" discuss="" effort="" explain="" future="" like="" practices="" supported="" think="" title="Opportunities for Bamboo: " which="" why.="" would="" you="">Ex 7</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1a (Berkeley; April 28-30, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1a (Berkeley; April 28-30, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1a</abbr></span>-F)</p>
<p>"Doesn't need to be "a place" - might never know you're using it. massively distributed, peer-to-peer, discovery system. some kind of meta-registry, clearinghouse that isn't evil or scary somehow. mechanism for finding colleagues, resources. digital concierge?" (<span a="" activities="" and="" bamboo="" be="" best="" by="" class="glossary-term" consortial="" discuss="" effort="" explain="" future="" like="" practices="" supported="" think="" title="Opportunities for Bamboo: " which="" why.="" would="" you=""><abbr a="" activities="" and="" bamboo="" be="" best="" by="" consortial="" discuss="" effort="" explain="" future="" like="" practices="" supported="" think="" title="Opportunities for Bamboo: " which="" why.="" would="" you="">Ex 7</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1a (Berkeley; April 28-30, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1a (Berkeley; April 28-30, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1a</abbr></span>-F)</p>
<p>"all adding up to "support a network of choices & critique". a conversation you don't want to be left out of. find out about technical stuff. still need a cave -- avoid this stuff & still need critique" (<span a="" activities="" and="" bamboo="" be="" best="" by="" class="glossary-term" consortial="" discuss="" effort="" explain="" future="" like="" practices="" supported="" think="" title="Opportunities for Bamboo: " which="" why.="" would="" you=""><abbr a="" activities="" and="" bamboo="" be="" best="" by="" consortial="" discuss="" effort="" explain="" future="" like="" practices="" supported="" think="" title="Opportunities for Bamboo: " which="" why.="" would="" you="">Ex 7</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1a (Berkeley; April 28-30, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1a (Berkeley; April 28-30, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1a</abbr></span>-H)</p>
<p>"Let's not reinvent wheels, however, a directory would be a start" (<span a="" activities="" and="" bamboo="" be="" best="" by="" class="glossary-term" consortial="" discuss="" effort="" explain="" future="" like="" practices="" supported="" think="" title="Opportunities for Bamboo: " which="" why.="" would="" you=""><abbr a="" activities="" and="" bamboo="" be="" best="" by="" consortial="" discuss="" effort="" explain="" future="" like="" practices="" supported="" think="" title="Opportunities for Bamboo: " which="" why.="" would="" you="">Ex 7</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1b (Chicago; May 15-17, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1b (Chicago; May 15-17, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1b</abbr></span>-B)</p>
<p>"critical thing with our tools is we evaluated them all, some someone is speaking to their efficacy. There needs to be some systematic survey of tools, need to be prepared to say why it exists and why something else does not. Efforts to do registries and lists become quickly boring unless you do the unkind thing of giving well-reasoned arguments for them." (<span a="" activities="" and="" bamboo="" be="" best="" by="" class="glossary-term" consortial="" discuss="" effort="" explain="" future="" like="" practices="" supported="" think="" title="Opportunities for Bamboo: " which="" why.="" would="" you=""><abbr a="" activities="" and="" bamboo="" be="" best="" by="" consortial="" discuss="" effort="" explain="" future="" like="" practices="" supported="" think="" title="Opportunities for Bamboo: " which="" why.="" would="" you="">Ex 7</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1c (Paris; June 9-11, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1c (Paris; June 9-11, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1c</abbr></span>-A)</p>
<p>"To establish a lookup/portal to find tools and services, to be part of a network of repositories of services internationally. Many tools are re-invented, and we would profit more by contributing internationally to a community of services." (<span a="" activities="" and="" bamboo="" be="" best="" by="" class="glossary-term" consortial="" discuss="" effort="" explain="" future="" like="" practices="" supported="" think="" title="Opportunities for Bamboo: " which="" why.="" would="" you=""><abbr a="" activities="" and="" bamboo="" be="" best="" by="" consortial="" discuss="" effort="" explain="" future="" like="" practices="" supported="" think="" title="Opportunities for Bamboo: " which="" why.="" would="" you="">Ex 7</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1c (Paris; June 9-11, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1c (Paris; June 9-11, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1c</abbr></span>-B)</p>
<p>"Not just a Google for tools, but also some sort of evaluation already done by scholars, technologists and information scientists. There are concrete issues for the location of certain tools that can complicate this. Intute - Distributed service in the UK that catalogs web pages and online presences for tools and services. Earlier version on Intute (Humble) was a good tool, but the scale was too small. Better of this was a social tool, so we aren't relying on a small editorial board. Advantage of board is that things are cataloged to the same standards, but it's admittedly a disadvantage that it's not social enough. Though suggestions are taken into consideration. Presumably, Intute could be augmented to add a forum or sort of social tool. Nothing to stop people using existing social tools to do that" (<span a="" activities="" and="" bamboo="" be="" best="" by="" class="glossary-term" consortial="" discuss="" effort="" explain="" future="" like="" practices="" supported="" think="" title="Opportunities for Bamboo: " which="" why.="" would="" you=""><abbr a="" activities="" and="" bamboo="" be="" best="" by="" consortial="" discuss="" effort="" explain="" future="" like="" practices="" supported="" think="" title="Opportunities for Bamboo: " which="" why.="" would="" you="">Ex 7</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1c (Paris; June 9-11, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1c (Paris; June 9-11, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1c</abbr></span>-B)</p>
<p>"Perhaps a sort of J-Stor for tools?" (<span a="" activities="" and="" bamboo="" be="" best="" by="" class="glossary-term" consortial="" discuss="" effort="" explain="" future="" like="" practices="" supported="" think="" title="Opportunities for Bamboo: " which="" why.="" would="" you=""><abbr a="" activities="" and="" bamboo="" be="" best="" by="" consortial="" discuss="" effort="" explain="" future="" like="" practices="" supported="" think="" title="Opportunities for Bamboo: " which="" why.="" would="" you="">Ex 7</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1c (Paris; June 9-11, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1c (Paris; June 9-11, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1c</abbr></span>-B)</p>
<p>"seamless access to the technology to quickly get into the heart of the research. Easy usable tooling and support. A fertile playground to improve the research cycle." (<span a="" activities="" and="" bamboo="" be="" best="" by="" class="glossary-term" consortial="" discuss="" effort="" explain="" future="" like="" practices="" supported="" think="" title="Opportunities for Bamboo: " which="" why.="" would="" you=""><abbr a="" activities="" and="" bamboo="" be="" best="" by="" consortial="" discuss="" effort="" explain="" future="" like="" practices="" supported="" think="" title="Opportunities for Bamboo: " which="" why.="" would="" you="">Ex 7</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1d</abbr></span>-A)</p>
<p>"Bamboo lead to development of discovery of software - humanists can get access and know about software. It's the Bamboo seal of approval." (<span a="" activities="" and="" bamboo="" be="" best="" by="" class="glossary-term" consortial="" discuss="" effort="" explain="" future="" like="" practices="" supported="" think="" title="Opportunities for Bamboo: " which="" why.="" would="" you=""><abbr a="" activities="" and="" bamboo="" be="" best="" by="" consortial="" discuss="" effort="" explain="" future="" like="" practices="" supported="" think="" title="Opportunities for Bamboo: " which="" why.="" would="" you="">Ex 7</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1d</abbr></span>-B)</p>
<p>"Bamboo could be a clearing house for what's happening, and what's happened. A place to get knowledgeable people who can review work. A specialty and competence space." (<span a="" activities="" and="" bamboo="" be="" best="" by="" class="glossary-term" consortial="" discuss="" effort="" explain="" future="" like="" practices="" supported="" think="" title="Opportunities for Bamboo: " which="" why.="" would="" you=""><abbr a="" activities="" and="" bamboo="" be="" best="" by="" consortial="" discuss="" effort="" explain="" future="" like="" practices="" supported="" think="" title="Opportunities for Bamboo: " which="" why.="" would="" you="">Ex 7</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1d</abbr></span>-C)</p>
<p>"Better sharing of information of projects we're already working on. A lot of us are reproducing each others efforts. agree that's very important. create a social networking environment to facilitate that sharing. NYU is developing a portal to support re-useable technology with some social networking site to bring researchers together. Want to extend that to other institutions. we're doing something for We already have 180,000 subscribers." (<span a="" activities="" and="" bamboo="" be="" best="" by="" class="glossary-term" consortial="" discuss="" effort="" explain="" future="" like="" practices="" supported="" think="" title="Opportunities for Bamboo: " which="" why.="" would="" you=""><abbr a="" activities="" and="" bamboo="" be="" best="" by="" consortial="" discuss="" effort="" explain="" future="" like="" practices="" supported="" think="" title="Opportunities for Bamboo: " which="" why.="" would="" you="">Ex 7</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1d</abbr></span>-C)</p>
<p>"one thing about the service-oriented approach, it makes your tools more sustainable; can switch out the technology easily and substitute it with another. need to make sure you can get your data out of the tools and so if you want to change tools you need to be able to get your data out. tools etc also need to be integrated in what people already dothis would answer the question of maintenance; find a way to fit with the research that people already do." (<span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 2 (Oct. 15-18, 2008) brought participants together to discuss the Directions that emerged from the data analysis conducted on the wiki. Participants suggested questions and issues for each Direction, and formed groups to delve further into their chosen Direction, including what aspects are within the scope of Project Bamboo, what Demonstrators would be helpful, and what the plan should be for the working group."><abbr title="Workshop 2 (Oct. 15-18, 2008) brought participants together to discuss the Directions that emerged from the data analysis conducted on the wiki. Participants suggested questions and issues for each Direction, and formed groups to delve further into their chosen Direction, including what aspects are within the scope of Project Bamboo, what Demonstrators would be helpful, and what the plan should be for the working group.">W2</abbr></span>, Scholarly Networks, questions and concerns, group 12 notes)</p>
<p>"not sustainable to just list on a wiki - but need an open registry than can be searched from any social networking site. also get into the question of who builds it and who maintains it?" (<span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 2 (Oct. 15-18, 2008) brought participants together to discuss the Directions that emerged from the data analysis conducted on the wiki. Participants suggested questions and issues for each Direction, and formed groups to delve further into their chosen Direction, including what aspects are within the scope of Project Bamboo, what Demonstrators would be helpful, and what the plan should be for the working group."><abbr title="Workshop 2 (Oct. 15-18, 2008) brought participants together to discuss the Directions that emerged from the data analysis conducted on the wiki. Participants suggested questions and issues for each Direction, and formed groups to delve further into their chosen Direction, including what aspects are within the scope of Project Bamboo, what Demonstrators would be helpful, and what the plan should be for the working group.">W2</abbr></span>, Scholarly Networks, questions and concerns, group 12 notes)</p>
<p>"what about vetted discovery? who has used this tool and for what? is it the kind of use that's close to mine and that I consider reliable? note too: google is good at helping you find what you're already looking for" (<span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 2 (Oct. 15-18, 2008) brought participants together to discuss the Directions that emerged from the data analysis conducted on the wiki. Participants suggested questions and issues for each Direction, and formed groups to delve further into their chosen Direction, including what aspects are within the scope of Project Bamboo, what Demonstrators would be helpful, and what the plan should be for the working group."><abbr title="Workshop 2 (Oct. 15-18, 2008) brought participants together to discuss the Directions that emerged from the data analysis conducted on the wiki. Participants suggested questions and issues for each Direction, and formed groups to delve further into their chosen Direction, including what aspects are within the scope of Project Bamboo, what Demonstrators would be helpful, and what the plan should be for the working group.">W2</abbr></span>, Scholarly Networks, questions and concerns, group 12 notes)</p>
<p>"How do we manage it so it delivers? (How do we manage it to give the right people access to it/get involved, getting democratic but not too democratic, how does it avoid the extremes of being too selective - peer review - and "an assemblage of rubbish no one wants to read or contribute to")" (<span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 2 (Oct. 15-18, 2008) brought participants together to discuss the Directions that emerged from the data analysis conducted on the wiki. Participants suggested questions and issues for each Direction, and formed groups to delve further into their chosen Direction, including what aspects are within the scope of Project Bamboo, what Demonstrators would be helpful, and what the plan should be for the working group."><abbr title="Workshop 2 (Oct. 15-18, 2008) brought participants together to discuss the Directions that emerged from the data analysis conducted on the wiki. Participants suggested questions and issues for each Direction, and formed groups to delve further into their chosen Direction, including what aspects are within the scope of Project Bamboo, what Demonstrators would be helpful, and what the plan should be for the working group.">W2</abbr></span>, Scholarly Networks, risks/rewards/plan, group notes)</p>
<p>"Currently, there are so many tools; don't know where those are & how to find them. Bamboo a directory, but not like a static webpage w/a list of links. Similar to concierge model. Maybe the only thing I input into Bamboo profile is what I work on, not my dog's name or what I ate for dinner last night. Predefined tags/categories, and allow people to create their own. Conversation doesn't have to happen w/in Bamboo, but this is a tool for me to get there." (<span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 2 (Oct. 15-18, 2008) brought participants together to discuss the Directions that emerged from the data analysis conducted on the wiki. Participants suggested questions and issues for each Direction, and formed groups to delve further into their chosen Direction, including what aspects are within the scope of Project Bamboo, what Demonstrators would be helpful, and what the plan should be for the working group."><abbr title="Workshop 2 (Oct. 15-18, 2008) brought participants together to discuss the Directions that emerged from the data analysis conducted on the wiki. Participants suggested questions and issues for each Direction, and formed groups to delve further into their chosen Direction, including what aspects are within the scope of Project Bamboo, what Demonstrators would be helpful, and what the plan should be for the working group.">W2</abbr></span>, Scholarly Networks, risks/rewards/plan, group notes)</p>
<p>"Notification services - if you find a resource you're interested in, and you want to know when there's new material, you could be notified. If you're interested in a topic (WWI) - could you get that from a finding aid system as well as the sheet music systems, and other systems. Could be very useful to researchers, could be facilitated by Bamboo" (<span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 3 (January 12 - 14, 2009) built off the progress of the Working Groups. A straw consortial model for Project Bamboo was also introduced and discussed."><abbr title="Workshop 3 (January 12 - 14, 2009) built off the progress of the Working Groups. A straw consortial model for Project Bamboo was also introduced and discussed.">W3</abbr></span>, Perspectives: Content, <a href="">Stacy Kowalczyk</a>, Digital Library Program, Indiana University)</p>