Data: Incentivizing Participation/Engagement
<p>"needs to be a value proposition to the end-user community, so that they get something from collaborating" (<span accomplish="" bamboo="" class="glossary-term" do="" hope="" title="Initial Impressions and Questions: " what="" will="" you=""><abbr accomplish="" bamboo="" do="" hope="" title="Initial Impressions and Questions: " what="" will="" you="">Ex 1</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1b (Chicago; May 15-17, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1b (Chicago; May 15-17, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1b</abbr></span>-B)</p>
<p>"Focus should be on switching projects from individuals to institutions, which gives people impetus to invest time." (<span accomplish="" bamboo="" class="glossary-term" do="" hope="" title="Initial Impressions and Questions: " what="" will="" you=""><abbr accomplish="" bamboo="" do="" hope="" title="Initial Impressions and Questions: " what="" will="" you="">Ex 1</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1c (Paris; June 9-11, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1c (Paris; June 9-11, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1c</abbr></span>-A)</p>
<p>"Funding for infrastructures that bear resemblances to Bamboo in that they systematically approach the same problems, while focusing less on tools and more on relationships in order to define roles. There seems to be a more systematic engagement in this way." (<span accomplish="" bamboo="" class="glossary-term" do="" hope="" title="Initial Impressions and Questions: " what="" will="" you=""><abbr accomplish="" bamboo="" do="" hope="" title="Initial Impressions and Questions: " what="" will="" you="">Ex 1</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1c (Paris; June 9-11, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1c (Paris; June 9-11, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1c</abbr></span>-A)</p>
<p>"How do we revise our relationship to modes of communications when these modes are protean? [We've lost track of this relationship.] How do we reward large scale faculty participation in academic social networks?" (<span accomplish="" bamboo="" class="glossary-term" do="" hope="" title="Initial Impressions and Questions: " what="" will="" you=""><abbr accomplish="" bamboo="" do="" hope="" title="Initial Impressions and Questions: " what="" will="" you="">Ex 1</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1d</abbr></span>-A)</p>
<p>"human genome project for the humanities, where you might not be doing genetic resource but you see the value of a big project; reward mechanism is wrong" (<span accomplish="" bamboo="" class="glossary-term" do="" hope="" title="Initial Impressions and Questions: " what="" will="" you=""><abbr accomplish="" bamboo="" do="" hope="" title="Initial Impressions and Questions: " what="" will="" you="">Ex 1</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1d</abbr></span>-C)</p>
<p>"if someone has shown that what I'm working on is no longer right or relevant, I won't get funded ... this is an incentive to staying current ... I have to do it, even though as a teaching-university faculty member I don't actually have time to stay as current as I might like." (<span a="" class="glossary-term" day="" during="" good="" really="" title="Exploring Scholarly Practice: "><abbr a="" day="" during="" good="" really="" title="Exploring Scholarly Practice: ">Ex 2</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1b (Chicago; May 15-17, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1b (Chicago; May 15-17, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1b</abbr></span>-C)</p>
<p>"Issue of shoveling data is critical and variable depending on project or field. Was a faculty member at [large research university] and work with visual data. One project was to put together a db of images that would be annotated and searchable to share w. other faculty to make accessible for teaching mainly. Used Cumulus. W/ tagging I got lazy. Hard to imagine my colleagues using them, would have been a huge burden to do all meta tagging required. Several fields to make meaningful for all. Had research assistant to do it, but was a failure because I was only person who knew what it was. Typical issue when knowledge is esoteric. Someone in my field could generically explain what it was. Could interfere w/ other activities that are going to get you tenure. IT guys pounding on my door to get done. It's drudgery and stealing time. Images that I produced, IT digitized boxes of slides, installed in Cumulus db and waiting to be annotated. Mostly didn't get done." (<span a="" class="glossary-term" day="" during="" good="" really="" title="Exploring Scholarly Practice: "><abbr a="" day="" during="" good="" really="" title="Exploring Scholarly Practice: ">Ex 2</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1d</abbr></span>-D)</p>
<p>"Working on a multidisciplinary project in Northern Australia: anthropology, biology, zoology, fire scientists, and me as an ethnographer. Started to establish a mountain of data. Got some correlation of our respective stuff, aim to store but to also interrelate across disciplines. Failed to get each of us to do sufficient annotation of our material. Ran against this again and again. Hard reality to properly document info, this is the one thing we failed to do . Good things: best days recently to explore ways as we create data in field, test data visual - trying to annotate at time of creation. Metholdogy is recording rock art sites. We're using portable GPS computers, handheld, successful w/ aboriginal colleagues. A positive step. Good model for other things." (<span a="" class="glossary-term" day="" during="" good="" really="" title="Exploring Scholarly Practice: "><abbr a="" day="" during="" good="" really="" title="Exploring Scholarly Practice: ">Ex 2</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1d</abbr></span>-D)</p>
<p>"Engage users in folksonomic tagging, giving meaning to a scholarly object, identifying the value or significance of a scholarly object. Engaging people in disambiguation or correction of non-automatable data. Might look to a member of the public like "playing a game". Might not be so interesting to people ... must distinguish between scholarly and general-public communities" (<span are="" class="glossary-term" discrete="" in="" involved="" practices="" themes="" these="" title="Unpacking a Commonality: " what=""><abbr are="" discrete="" in="" involved="" practices="" themes="" these="" title="Unpacking a Commonality: " what="">Ex 4</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1b (Chicago; May 15-17, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1b (Chicago; May 15-17, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1b</abbr></span>-C)</p>
<p>"Also difference where while you're doing project work, they do take an awful lot of time to do (workflows, databases, ways for people to manage information) but it's different when you're doing your own thing" (<span are="" class="glossary-term" discrete="" in="" involved="" practices="" themes="" these="" title="Unpacking the Uncommon: " what=""><abbr are="" discrete="" in="" involved="" practices="" themes="" these="" title="Unpacking the Uncommon: " what="">Ex 5</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1c (Paris; June 9-11, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1c (Paris; June 9-11, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1c</abbr></span>-D)</p>
<p>"In tentatively data-mining things, I would like to be able to call on scholars to evaluate results and have some kind of reward for participation, so that it's not simply a self-sacrifice." (<span a="" class="glossary-term" had="" if="" magic="" title="Magic wand: " wand="" you=""><abbr a="" had="" if="" magic="" title="Magic wand: " wand="" you="">Ex 6b</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1c (Paris; June 9-11, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1c (Paris; June 9-11, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1c</abbr></span>-B)</p>
<p>"Human motivation: a taxonomy of motivation?<br /> -Goodwill: nope, we hope community will continue at that, Exchange isn't targeted there<br /> -Threats: not very fun or effective<br /> -Bribery, honor, joy<br /> -Bribery<br /> --RFP bidding system (useful for defined needs)<br /> --Classified ads ("Craiglist for scholars") - helps bridge key support staff during economic turmoil; "seeking... available..."<br /> --Incentives and awards; community-generated pool/distribution method; encourage and reward participation<br /> --Mechanisms for promotion & tenure: who's using my stuff, and how?<br /> --People have to do some extra work to get their work compatible w/ Services <span class="glossary-term" title="The Atlas was a somewhat amorphous piece of the Bamboo Implementation Plan. The long-term vision Bamboo Program Document stated that the Atlas would record and deliver community input (Scholarly Narratives, Tool examples, Content/Resource examples, Service Families, community-contributed references to information outside the formal bounds of Bamboo, etc.) in easily updated, linked, annotatable forms that may be mixed, matched, categorized, and re-categorized."><abbr title="The Atlas was a somewhat amorphous piece of the Bamboo Implementation Plan. The long-term vision Bamboo Program Document stated that the Atlas would record and deliver community input (Scholarly Narratives, Tool examples, Content/Resource examples, Service Families, community-contributed references to information outside the formal bounds of Bamboo, etc.) in easily updated, linked, annotatable forms that may be mixed, matched, categorized, and re-categorized.">Atlas</abbr></span><br /> -Honor<br /> --Community-driven awards<br /> --Citation/usage tracking<br /> -Joy<br /> -Hooray, a web app! - an actual thing!<br /> -Exchange has a "physical" representation you can point to<br /> -Caveat: atlas approach helps connect what we've done in a user interface, bringing things to a new environment like campus VRE<br /> -Or, interact w/ same content via a web site<br /> -Good stuff to discover and explore (narratives, recipes, services, tools, projects, archives)" (<span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 4 (April 16 - 18, 2009) included conversations about the discussion draft of the Bamboo Program Document, straw polls about interest in the program draft's areas of focus, and action plans by the groups that formed out of the straw polls."><abbr title="Workshop 4 (April 16 - 18, 2009) included conversations about the discussion draft of the Bamboo Program Document, straw polls about interest in the program draft's areas of focus, and action plans by the groups that formed out of the straw polls.">W4</abbr></span>, Bamboo Exchange, <a href="">Kaylea Champion</a>)</p>
<p>""Reputation" as a form of "payment" - does this get at the free rider problem? My incentive for contributing is to be seen as someone who contributes value to the community. Way for a peripheral university to have a play on a more national scene; make a reputation and not be a free rider" (<span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 4 (April 16 - 18, 2009) included conversations about the discussion draft of the Bamboo Program Document, straw polls about interest in the program draft's areas of focus, and action plans by the groups that formed out of the straw polls."><abbr title="Workshop 4 (April 16 - 18, 2009) included conversations about the discussion draft of the Bamboo Program Document, straw polls about interest in the program draft's areas of focus, and action plans by the groups that formed out of the straw polls.">W4</abbr></span>, Bamboo Exchange, <a href="">John Laudun</a>)</p>
<p>"In the early days of Sakai chose to give some IP to the community ... and got back "a free wiki tool" ... the open source movement is predicated on the theory and experience of giving stuff away and having it come back in a beneficial way." (<span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 4 (April 16 - 18, 2009) included conversations about the discussion draft of the Bamboo Program Document, straw polls about interest in the program draft's areas of focus, and action plans by the groups that formed out of the straw polls."><abbr title="Workshop 4 (April 16 - 18, 2009) included conversations about the discussion draft of the Bamboo Program Document, straw polls about interest in the program draft's areas of focus, and action plans by the groups that formed out of the straw polls.">W4</abbr></span>, Bamboo Exchange, <a href="">John Norman</a>)</p>
<p>"measuring and displaying contribution as a way of incenting that contribution" (<span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 4 (April 16 - 18, 2009) included conversations about the discussion draft of the Bamboo Program Document, straw polls about interest in the program draft's areas of focus, and action plans by the groups that formed out of the straw polls."><abbr title="Workshop 4 (April 16 - 18, 2009) included conversations about the discussion draft of the Bamboo Program Document, straw polls about interest in the program draft's areas of focus, and action plans by the groups that formed out of the straw polls.">W4</abbr></span>, Bamboo Exchange, <a href="">John Butler</a>)</p>
<p>"Social network repository of tools, go from a tool to see who's developing, etc. Different points of access - need to have multiple for people to find the materials. Usage scenarios - search, tag, etc. Ontologies, tag clouds - people, projects, organizations > the technologies and tools they use. Incentivize it - not becoming a detritus of lost momentum." (<span class="glossary-term" title="At Workshop 5 (June 17 - 19, 2009), participants discussed the draft Bamboo Implementation Proposal and the consortial model, and voted to ratify the proposed major areas of work."><abbr title="At Workshop 5 (June 17 - 19, 2009), participants discussed the draft Bamboo Implementation Proposal and the consortial model, and voted to ratify the proposed major areas of work.">W5</abbr></span>, Report out: <span class="glossary-term" title="The section of the draft Bamboo Implementation Proposal that addressed what Bamboo would do (scholarly networking, atlas, services platform, community). Discussed at workshop 5."><abbr title="The section of the draft Bamboo Implementation Proposal that addressed what Bamboo would do (scholarly networking, atlas, services platform, community). Discussed at workshop 5.">Major Areas of Work</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="The Atlas was a somewhat amorphous piece of the Bamboo Implementation Plan. The long-term vision Bamboo Program Document stated that the Atlas would record and deliver community input (Scholarly Narratives, Tool examples, Content/Resource examples, Service Families, community-contributed references to information outside the formal bounds of Bamboo, etc.) in easily updated, linked, annotatable forms that may be mixed, matched, categorized, and re-categorized."><abbr title="The Atlas was a somewhat amorphous piece of the Bamboo Implementation Plan. The long-term vision Bamboo Program Document stated that the Atlas would record and deliver community input (Scholarly Narratives, Tool examples, Content/Resource examples, Service Families, community-contributed references to information outside the formal bounds of Bamboo, etc.) in easily updated, linked, annotatable forms that may be mixed, matched, categorized, and re-categorized.">Atlas</abbr></span>)</p>
<p>"Comment from John Wolffe who's listening on-line: worried that <span class="glossary-term" title="The Atlas was a somewhat amorphous piece of the Bamboo Implementation Plan. The long-term vision Bamboo Program Document stated that the Atlas would record and deliver community input (Scholarly Narratives, Tool examples, Content/Resource examples, Service Families, community-contributed references to information outside the formal bounds of Bamboo, etc.) in easily updated, linked, annotatable forms that may be mixed, matched, categorized, and re-categorized."><abbr title="The Atlas was a somewhat amorphous piece of the Bamboo Implementation Plan. The long-term vision Bamboo Program Document stated that the Atlas would record and deliver community input (Scholarly Narratives, Tool examples, Content/Resource examples, Service Families, community-contributed references to information outside the formal bounds of Bamboo, etc.) in easily updated, linked, annotatable forms that may be mixed, matched, categorized, and re-categorized.">Atlas</abbr></span> group is biting off more it can chew; further thoughts about incentivizing contributions? Had a lot of discussion about incentives." (<span class="glossary-term" title="At Workshop 5 (June 17 - 19, 2009), participants discussed the draft Bamboo Implementation Proposal and the consortial model, and voted to ratify the proposed major areas of work."><abbr title="At Workshop 5 (June 17 - 19, 2009), participants discussed the draft Bamboo Implementation Proposal and the consortial model, and voted to ratify the proposed major areas of work.">W5</abbr></span>, Report out: <span class="glossary-term" title="The section of the draft Bamboo Implementation Proposal that addressed what Bamboo would do (scholarly networking, atlas, services platform, community). Discussed at workshop 5."><abbr title="The section of the draft Bamboo Implementation Proposal that addressed what Bamboo would do (scholarly networking, atlas, services platform, community). Discussed at workshop 5.">Major Areas of Work</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="The Atlas was a somewhat amorphous piece of the Bamboo Implementation Plan. The long-term vision Bamboo Program Document stated that the Atlas would record and deliver community input (Scholarly Narratives, Tool examples, Content/Resource examples, Service Families, community-contributed references to information outside the formal bounds of Bamboo, etc.) in easily updated, linked, annotatable forms that may be mixed, matched, categorized, and re-categorized."><abbr title="The Atlas was a somewhat amorphous piece of the Bamboo Implementation Plan. The long-term vision Bamboo Program Document stated that the Atlas would record and deliver community input (Scholarly Narratives, Tool examples, Content/Resource examples, Service Families, community-contributed references to information outside the formal bounds of Bamboo, etc.) in easily updated, linked, annotatable forms that may be mixed, matched, categorized, and re-categorized.">Atlas</abbr></span>)</p>
<p>"Started off w/ success factors, one thread was getting user content in atlas, getting scholars engaged; what are incentives? Notion of Bamboo Fellows. Help shepherd scholarly practices; Unsworth's scholarly primitives. Tools sustainable, incentivizing people to finish the job to make tools more sharable. How <span class="glossary-term" title="The Atlas was a somewhat amorphous piece of the Bamboo Implementation Plan. The long-term vision Bamboo Program Document stated that the Atlas would record and deliver community input (Scholarly Narratives, Tool examples, Content/Resource examples, Service Families, community-contributed references to information outside the formal bounds of Bamboo, etc.) in easily updated, linked, annotatable forms that may be mixed, matched, categorized, and re-categorized."><abbr title="The Atlas was a somewhat amorphous piece of the Bamboo Implementation Plan. The long-term vision Bamboo Program Document stated that the Atlas would record and deliver community input (Scholarly Narratives, Tool examples, Content/Resource examples, Service Families, community-contributed references to information outside the formal bounds of Bamboo, etc.) in easily updated, linked, annotatable forms that may be mixed, matched, categorized, and re-categorized.">Atlas</abbr></span> could be place to document and rate and evaluate and peer review." (<span class="glossary-term" title="At Workshop 5 (June 17 - 19, 2009), participants discussed the draft Bamboo Implementation Proposal and the consortial model, and voted to ratify the proposed major areas of work."><abbr title="At Workshop 5 (June 17 - 19, 2009), participants discussed the draft Bamboo Implementation Proposal and the consortial model, and voted to ratify the proposed major areas of work.">W5</abbr></span>, Open Discussion: <span class="glossary-term" title="The section of the draft Bamboo Implementation Proposal that addressed what Bamboo would do (scholarly networking, atlas, services platform, community). Discussed at workshop 5."><abbr title="The section of the draft Bamboo Implementation Proposal that addressed what Bamboo would do (scholarly networking, atlas, services platform, community). Discussed at workshop 5.">Major Areas of Work</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="The Atlas was a somewhat amorphous piece of the Bamboo Implementation Plan. The long-term vision Bamboo Program Document stated that the Atlas would record and deliver community input (Scholarly Narratives, Tool examples, Content/Resource examples, Service Families, community-contributed references to information outside the formal bounds of Bamboo, etc.) in easily updated, linked, annotatable forms that may be mixed, matched, categorized, and re-categorized."><abbr title="The Atlas was a somewhat amorphous piece of the Bamboo Implementation Plan. The long-term vision Bamboo Program Document stated that the Atlas would record and deliver community input (Scholarly Narratives, Tool examples, Content/Resource examples, Service Families, community-contributed references to information outside the formal bounds of Bamboo, etc.) in easily updated, linked, annotatable forms that may be mixed, matched, categorized, and re-categorized.">Atlas</abbr></span>, <a href="">Jim Muehlenberg</a>)</p>
<p>"Idea of credentializing - Bamboo Seal of Approval. This would then have some benefit at some point. Martin talked about that might be an incentive that the product goes through the interoperability phases, working out the kinks. Way of bringing back institutional incentive to do documentation beyond what they'd otherwise do. Relatedly, idea is that there will evolve to a certain extent an authority associated with Bamboo as it develops. Authority, so if one is giving ratings, this will be recognized widely as being responsible and responsive to a wider community. If you want to formalize those things further, may well think of creating some kind of journal (whatever the format would be) in which you could have a peer review process. This would then provide an incentive. This would also provide mechanism that could be a form of outreach/promotion of Bamboo." (<span class="glossary-term" title="At Workshop 5 (June 17 - 19, 2009), participants discussed the draft Bamboo Implementation Proposal and the consortial model, and voted to ratify the proposed major areas of work."><abbr title="At Workshop 5 (June 17 - 19, 2009), participants discussed the draft Bamboo Implementation Proposal and the consortial model, and voted to ratify the proposed major areas of work.">W5</abbr></span>, Open Discussion: <span class="glossary-term" title="The section of the draft Bamboo Implementation Proposal that addressed what Bamboo would do (scholarly networking, atlas, services platform, community). Discussed at workshop 5."><abbr title="The section of the draft Bamboo Implementation Proposal that addressed what Bamboo would do (scholarly networking, atlas, services platform, community). Discussed at workshop 5.">Major Areas of Work</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="The Atlas was a somewhat amorphous piece of the Bamboo Implementation Plan. The long-term vision Bamboo Program Document stated that the Atlas would record and deliver community input (Scholarly Narratives, Tool examples, Content/Resource examples, Service Families, community-contributed references to information outside the formal bounds of Bamboo, etc.) in easily updated, linked, annotatable forms that may be mixed, matched, categorized, and re-categorized."><abbr title="The Atlas was a somewhat amorphous piece of the Bamboo Implementation Plan. The long-term vision Bamboo Program Document stated that the Atlas would record and deliver community input (Scholarly Narratives, Tool examples, Content/Resource examples, Service Families, community-contributed references to information outside the formal bounds of Bamboo, etc.) in easily updated, linked, annotatable forms that may be mixed, matched, categorized, and re-categorized.">Atlas</abbr></span>, <a href="">Worthy Martin</a>)</p>