Data: Outreach about what is possible
<p>"bamboo could bring more awareness to arts & humanities scholars about what's possible, and developers can hear what's needed by the academics" (<span accomplish="" bamboo="" class="glossary-term" do="" hope="" title="Initial Impressions and Questions: " what="" will="" you=""><abbr accomplish="" bamboo="" do="" hope="" title="Initial Impressions and Questions: " what="" will="" you="">Ex 1</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1b (Chicago; May 15-17, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1b (Chicago; May 15-17, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1b</abbr></span>-A)</p>
<p>"Raise awareness among teaching faculty about digital resources and tools that are available ... not necessarily used to thinking about what options might be available." (<span accomplish="" bamboo="" class="glossary-term" do="" hope="" title="Initial Impressions and Questions: " what="" will="" you=""><abbr accomplish="" bamboo="" do="" hope="" title="Initial Impressions and Questions: " what="" will="" you="">Ex 1</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1b (Chicago; May 15-17, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1b (Chicago; May 15-17, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1b</abbr></span>-C)</p>
<p>"Find a way to utilize skills of IT with Humanities. Outreach to the Faculty." (<span accomplish="" bamboo="" class="glossary-term" do="" hope="" title="Initial Impressions and Questions: " what="" will="" you=""><abbr accomplish="" bamboo="" do="" hope="" title="Initial Impressions and Questions: " what="" will="" you="">Ex 1</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1b (Chicago; May 15-17, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1b (Chicago; May 15-17, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1b</abbr></span>-E)</p>
<p>"Most people tend to be far more interested in Humanist scholarship - and help explain it to them (by sharing their methodologies)." (<span accomplish="" bamboo="" class="glossary-term" do="" hope="" title="Initial Impressions and Questions: " what="" will="" you=""><abbr accomplish="" bamboo="" do="" hope="" title="Initial Impressions and Questions: " what="" will="" you="">Ex 1</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1b (Chicago; May 15-17, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1b (Chicago; May 15-17, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1b</abbr></span>-F)</p>
<p>"Clear examples for people in humanities to find out what's possible" (<span accomplish="" bamboo="" class="glossary-term" do="" hope="" title="Initial Impressions and Questions: " what="" will="" you=""><abbr accomplish="" bamboo="" do="" hope="" title="Initial Impressions and Questions: " what="" will="" you="">Ex 1</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1b (Chicago; May 15-17, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1b (Chicago; May 15-17, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1b</abbr></span>-G)</p>
<p>"There is a need for preachers." (<span accomplish="" bamboo="" class="glossary-term" do="" hope="" title="Initial Impressions and Questions: " what="" will="" you=""><abbr accomplish="" bamboo="" do="" hope="" title="Initial Impressions and Questions: " what="" will="" you="">Ex 1</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1c (Paris; June 9-11, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1c (Paris; June 9-11, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1c</abbr></span>-A)</p>
<p>"Not just technical competence: learning to come up w/ the questions to ask using new tools" (<span accomplish="" bamboo="" class="glossary-term" do="" hope="" title="Initial Impressions and Questions: " what="" will="" you=""><abbr accomplish="" bamboo="" do="" hope="" title="Initial Impressions and Questions: " what="" will="" you="">Ex 1</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1c (Paris; June 9-11, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1c (Paris; June 9-11, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1c</abbr></span>-E)</p>
<p>"faculty preconceptions of db as something you use in business or the library but nothing to do with "my" work" (<span accomplish="" bamboo="" class="glossary-term" do="" hope="" title="Initial Impressions and Questions: " what="" will="" you=""><abbr accomplish="" bamboo="" do="" hope="" title="Initial Impressions and Questions: " what="" will="" you="">Ex 1</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1d</abbr></span>-C)</p>
<p>"cases of software working very well, try to do outreach, faculty say "what do you mean, downoad software?"" (<span accomplish="" bamboo="" class="glossary-term" do="" hope="" title="Initial Impressions and Questions: " what="" will="" you=""><abbr accomplish="" bamboo="" do="" hope="" title="Initial Impressions and Questions: " what="" will="" you="">Ex 1</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1d</abbr></span>-C)</p>
<p>"computers are perceived as expensive and difficult to use. developed by larger enterprises than hum. will ever have." (<span accomplish="" bamboo="" class="glossary-term" do="" hope="" title="Initial Impressions and Questions: " what="" will="" you=""><abbr accomplish="" bamboo="" do="" hope="" title="Initial Impressions and Questions: " what="" will="" you="">Ex 1</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1d</abbr></span>-C)</p>
<p>"engage imagination of the faculty" (<span accomplish="" bamboo="" class="glossary-term" do="" hope="" title="Initial Impressions and Questions: " what="" will="" you=""><abbr accomplish="" bamboo="" do="" hope="" title="Initial Impressions and Questions: " what="" will="" you="">Ex 1</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1d</abbr></span>-D)</p>
<p>"Two layers metaphor: application-data collection; Seen in practice with Web 2.0. So how does this work in academia? application: faculty, students; mashups and tools layer; data collection" (<span accomplish="" bamboo="" class="glossary-term" do="" hope="" title="Initial Impressions and Questions: " what="" will="" you=""><abbr accomplish="" bamboo="" do="" hope="" title="Initial Impressions and Questions: " what="" will="" you="">Ex 1</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1d</abbr></span>-G)</p>
<p>"Issue of cloning what I do today vs what I could possibly do - at moments technology may take the lead and help redefine how things are done." (<span a="" class="glossary-term" day="" during="" good="" really="" title="Exploring Scholarly Practice: "><abbr a="" day="" during="" good="" really="" title="Exploring Scholarly Practice: ">Ex 2</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1a (Berkeley; April 28-30, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1a (Berkeley; April 28-30, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1a</abbr></span>-F)</p>
<p>"Reading in a block of time re: what is the state of the art, what are best practices" (<span a="" class="glossary-term" day="" during="" good="" really="" title="Exploring Scholarly Practice: "><abbr a="" day="" during="" good="" really="" title="Exploring Scholarly Practice: ">Ex 2</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1b (Chicago; May 15-17, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1b (Chicago; May 15-17, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1b</abbr></span>-D)</p>
<p>"Learn something new on my computer. Often the spark - discover something that is not meant for scholarly purposes - discover simple things that lead to a new way of seeing or using what you might already have." (<span a="" class="glossary-term" day="" during="" good="" really="" title="Exploring Scholarly Practice: "><abbr a="" day="" during="" good="" really="" title="Exploring Scholarly Practice: ">Ex 2</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1b (Chicago; May 15-17, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1b (Chicago; May 15-17, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1b</abbr></span>-F)</p>
<p>"As an instructional technologist I help faculty design projects and learning experiences - setting up a blog, designing writing projects, digitizing. Involves evangelizing to faculty to let students research in a digital format, where appropriate. Making students the author. Often a passive model of a lecture online and download." (<span a="" class="glossary-term" day="" during="" good="" really="" title="Exploring Scholarly Practice: "><abbr a="" day="" during="" good="" really="" title="Exploring Scholarly Practice: ">Ex 2</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1d</abbr></span>-D)</p>
<p>"Electronic as a substitution for paper-- treating it as analog objects, then we print them out. Underlying message: not that scholars should move out of this into some other world of digital resources, but if anyone's going to use anything besides databases as hyped up way of finding material, has to be a convincing reason to answer intellectual question that you couldn't answer otherwise" (<span are="" class="glossary-term" common="" emerged="" exploration="" from="" have="" of="" practices="" scholarly="" that="" themes="" title="Common and Uncommon: " what="" your=""><abbr are="" common="" emerged="" exploration="" from="" have="" of="" practices="" scholarly="" that="" themes="" title="Common and Uncommon: " what="" your="">Ex 3</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1c (Paris; June 9-11, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1c (Paris; June 9-11, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1c</abbr></span>-D)</p>
<p>"taking advantage of the complete resources of a technology and/or tool; multiple forms of modes and/or modalities" (<span are="" class="glossary-term" discrete="" in="" involved="" practices="" themes="" these="" title="Unpacking a Commonality: " what=""><abbr are="" discrete="" in="" involved="" practices="" themes="" these="" title="Unpacking a Commonality: " what="">Ex 4</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1d</abbr></span>-C)</p>
<p>"Disciplines under attack and outmoded because new methods tools expectations. Need people to grease the wheels to kick start projects. New faculty brave and will try new stuff" (<span at="" class="glossary-term" graduate="" look="" new-hires="" or="" students="" title="Identify Future Scholarly Practices: " up-and-coming="" when="" you=""><abbr at="" graduate="" look="" new-hires="" or="" students="" title="Identify Future Scholarly Practices: " up-and-coming="" when="" you="">Ex 6a</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1a (Berkeley; April 28-30, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1a (Berkeley; April 28-30, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1a</abbr></span>-A)</p>
<p>"Bamboo needs to build collaborative services & technologies that provides an environment that exemplifies the intellectual value of digital scholarship." (<span a="" class="glossary-term" had="" if="" magic="" title="Magic wand: " wand="" you=""><abbr a="" had="" if="" magic="" title="Magic wand: " wand="" you="">Ex 6b</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1b (Chicago; May 15-17, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1b (Chicago; May 15-17, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1b</abbr></span>-D)</p>
<p>"For me, putting people together and knowing what they're doing in different places wastes the most time. Start down a path, don't realize until 6 months later someone else is doing it and could collaborate. Omniscient just-in-time just-enough info system, not just research info but for what people are doing" (<span a="" class="glossary-term" had="" if="" magic="" title="Magic wand: " wand="" you=""><abbr a="" had="" if="" magic="" title="Magic wand: " wand="" you="">Ex 6b</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1c (Paris; June 9-11, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1c (Paris; June 9-11, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1c</abbr></span>-C)</p>
<p>"Boost faculty awareness of tools, raising consciousness" (<span a="" class="glossary-term" had="" if="" magic="" title="Magic wand: " wand="" you=""><abbr a="" had="" if="" magic="" title="Magic wand: " wand="" you="">Ex 6b</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1d</abbr></span>-F)</p>
<p>"guides and models to follow" (<span a="" activities="" and="" bamboo="" be="" best="" by="" class="glossary-term" consortial="" discuss="" effort="" explain="" future="" like="" practices="" supported="" think="" title="Opportunities for Bamboo: " which="" why.="" would="" you=""><abbr a="" activities="" and="" bamboo="" be="" best="" by="" consortial="" discuss="" effort="" explain="" future="" like="" practices="" supported="" think="" title="Opportunities for Bamboo: " which="" why.="" would="" you="">Ex 7</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1b (Chicago; May 15-17, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1b (Chicago; May 15-17, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1b</abbr></span>-A)</p>
<p>"Consult / be informed by digital work that has gone before, and to make it accessible" (<span a="" activities="" and="" bamboo="" be="" best="" by="" class="glossary-term" consortial="" discuss="" effort="" explain="" future="" like="" practices="" supported="" think="" title="Opportunities for Bamboo: " which="" why.="" would="" you=""><abbr a="" activities="" and="" bamboo="" be="" best="" by="" consortial="" discuss="" effort="" explain="" future="" like="" practices="" supported="" think="" title="Opportunities for Bamboo: " which="" why.="" would="" you="">Ex 7</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1b (Chicago; May 15-17, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1b (Chicago; May 15-17, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1b</abbr></span>-B)</p>
<p>"Bamboo should not just pursue technological solutions. If Bamboo merely replays that digital scholarship is important (as e.g. the MLA has been doing for some time), we won't progress from efforts in the past." (<span a="" activities="" and="" bamboo="" be="" best="" by="" class="glossary-term" consortial="" discuss="" effort="" explain="" future="" like="" practices="" supported="" think="" title="Opportunities for Bamboo: " which="" why.="" would="" you=""><abbr a="" activities="" and="" bamboo="" be="" best="" by="" consortial="" discuss="" effort="" explain="" future="" like="" practices="" supported="" think="" title="Opportunities for Bamboo: " which="" why.="" would="" you="">Ex 7</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1b (Chicago; May 15-17, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1b (Chicago; May 15-17, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1b</abbr></span>-D)</p>
<p>"Bamboo needs to build collaborative services & technologies that provides an environment that exemplifies the intellectual value of digital scholarship." (<span a="" activities="" and="" bamboo="" be="" best="" by="" class="glossary-term" consortial="" discuss="" effort="" explain="" future="" like="" practices="" supported="" think="" title="Opportunities for Bamboo: " which="" why.="" would="" you=""><abbr a="" activities="" and="" bamboo="" be="" best="" by="" consortial="" discuss="" effort="" explain="" future="" like="" practices="" supported="" think="" title="Opportunities for Bamboo: " which="" why.="" would="" you="">Ex 7</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1b (Chicago; May 15-17, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1b (Chicago; May 15-17, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1b</abbr></span>-D)</p>
<p>"Development by demonstration is a very convinving way to get people to sign on. Asking people what technology is going to do for you, often the answer is "nothing."" (<span a="" activities="" and="" bamboo="" be="" best="" by="" class="glossary-term" consortial="" discuss="" effort="" explain="" future="" like="" practices="" supported="" think="" title="Opportunities for Bamboo: " which="" why.="" would="" you=""><abbr a="" activities="" and="" bamboo="" be="" best="" by="" consortial="" discuss="" effort="" explain="" future="" like="" practices="" supported="" think="" title="Opportunities for Bamboo: " which="" why.="" would="" you="">Ex 7</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1c (Paris; June 9-11, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1c (Paris; June 9-11, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1c</abbr></span>-A)</p>
<p>"But is there something you could be doing today that you could/couldn't have been doing yesterday? Innovation analysis is hard." (<span a="" activities="" and="" bamboo="" be="" best="" by="" class="glossary-term" consortial="" discuss="" effort="" explain="" future="" like="" practices="" supported="" think="" title="Opportunities for Bamboo: " which="" why.="" would="" you=""><abbr a="" activities="" and="" bamboo="" be="" best="" by="" consortial="" discuss="" effort="" explain="" future="" like="" practices="" supported="" think="" title="Opportunities for Bamboo: " which="" why.="" would="" you="">Ex 7</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1c (Paris; June 9-11, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1c (Paris; June 9-11, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1c</abbr></span>-A)</p>
<p>"Get a critical demonstrator to show what you can do; this will be a direct way to encourage participants. But you have to be very clear about what you want to achieve, and the methodology for identifying what it is. You can spend time laboring over the right approach, or you can get something out flawed in relatively short time, and gain observers/demonstrators/users quickly. There is benefit in maintaining both approaches." (<span a="" activities="" and="" bamboo="" be="" best="" by="" class="glossary-term" consortial="" discuss="" effort="" explain="" future="" like="" practices="" supported="" think="" title="Opportunities for Bamboo: " which="" why.="" would="" you=""><abbr a="" activities="" and="" bamboo="" be="" best="" by="" consortial="" discuss="" effort="" explain="" future="" like="" practices="" supported="" think="" title="Opportunities for Bamboo: " which="" why.="" would="" you="">Ex 7</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1c (Paris; June 9-11, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1c (Paris; June 9-11, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1c</abbr></span>-A)</p>
<p>"Novel forms of research can be done with pre-existing tools. Lots of people demonstrating tools without showing how they are applied in research. Important to demonstrate the place for these tools in research. Using technologies to enable methodologies." (<span a="" activities="" and="" bamboo="" be="" best="" by="" class="glossary-term" consortial="" discuss="" effort="" explain="" future="" like="" practices="" supported="" think="" title="Opportunities for Bamboo: " which="" why.="" would="" you=""><abbr a="" activities="" and="" bamboo="" be="" best="" by="" consortial="" discuss="" effort="" explain="" future="" like="" practices="" supported="" think="" title="Opportunities for Bamboo: " which="" why.="" would="" you="">Ex 7</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1c (Paris; June 9-11, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1c (Paris; June 9-11, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1c</abbr></span>-B)</p>
<p>"How could Bamboo support people who are trying to help faculty push beyond their personal limitations? Friendly documentation about various technologies? Links to examples of what's been done, suggest what other people at your institution could help you out." (<span a="" activities="" and="" bamboo="" be="" best="" by="" class="glossary-term" consortial="" discuss="" effort="" explain="" future="" like="" practices="" supported="" think="" title="Opportunities for Bamboo: " which="" why.="" would="" you=""><abbr a="" activities="" and="" bamboo="" be="" best="" by="" consortial="" discuss="" effort="" explain="" future="" like="" practices="" supported="" think="" title="Opportunities for Bamboo: " which="" why.="" would="" you="">Ex 7</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1d</abbr></span>-D)</p>
<p>"Culture of humanities and its resistance. Students, especially undergrad/grad might have some of the solutions. How is that getting captured?" (<span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 2 (Oct. 15-18, 2008) brought participants together to discuss the Directions that emerged from the data analysis conducted on the wiki. Participants suggested questions and issues for each Direction, and formed groups to delve further into their chosen Direction, including what aspects are within the scope of Project Bamboo, what Demonstrators would be helpful, and what the plan should be for the working group."><abbr title="Workshop 2 (Oct. 15-18, 2008) brought participants together to discuss the Directions that emerged from the data analysis conducted on the wiki. Participants suggested questions and issues for each Direction, and formed groups to delve further into their chosen Direction, including what aspects are within the scope of Project Bamboo, what Demonstrators would be helpful, and what the plan should be for the working group.">W2</abbr></span>, Q&A, Thursday morning - first questions)</p>
<p>"Not only content side, but also intellectual payoff for humanists - intellectual excitement (how do I pitch this to my English colleagues) has to be there. Sciences embrace this technology, work collaboratively; Humanists still tend to be alone individuals. Production still seems to be "individual genius", originality. Technologies are the methodologies for IT folks; humanists don't quite see that- still working under book mode." (<span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 2 (Oct. 15-18, 2008) brought participants together to discuss the Directions that emerged from the data analysis conducted on the wiki. Participants suggested questions and issues for each Direction, and formed groups to delve further into their chosen Direction, including what aspects are within the scope of Project Bamboo, what Demonstrators would be helpful, and what the plan should be for the working group."><abbr title="Workshop 2 (Oct. 15-18, 2008) brought participants together to discuss the Directions that emerged from the data analysis conducted on the wiki. Participants suggested questions and issues for each Direction, and formed groups to delve further into their chosen Direction, including what aspects are within the scope of Project Bamboo, what Demonstrators would be helpful, and what the plan should be for the working group.">W2</abbr></span>, Analyzing Directions, Group D)</p>
<p>"How do we use [tools and repository partners] to advance research? Adopt some of the methods from genetics/biology. Humanities may not be able to adopt this: Humanities believe they can exist without technology, sciences are engaged with technology throughout the process of becoming part of the discipline. Where is the value for the faculty? How can we evolve with the system? Scholars have not identified what they are using technology for." (<span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 2 (Oct. 15-18, 2008) brought participants together to discuss the Directions that emerged from the data analysis conducted on the wiki. Participants suggested questions and issues for each Direction, and formed groups to delve further into their chosen Direction, including what aspects are within the scope of Project Bamboo, what Demonstrators would be helpful, and what the plan should be for the working group."><abbr title="Workshop 2 (Oct. 15-18, 2008) brought participants together to discuss the Directions that emerged from the data analysis conducted on the wiki. Participants suggested questions and issues for each Direction, and formed groups to delve further into their chosen Direction, including what aspects are within the scope of Project Bamboo, what Demonstrators would be helpful, and what the plan should be for the working group.">W2</abbr></span>, Tools and Repository Partners, questions and concerns, group 4 notes)</p>
<p>"One of biggest problems - involving mid/late career humanists. These scholars who have been warning younger colleagues of "death by tenure denial" if they pursue digital interests. Need to engage/educate first group and liberate second group to see the change we need." (<span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 3 (January 12 - 14, 2009) built off the progress of the Working Groups. A straw consortial model for Project Bamboo was also introduced and discussed."><abbr title="Workshop 3 (January 12 - 14, 2009) built off the progress of the Working Groups. A straw consortial model for Project Bamboo was also introduced and discussed.">W3</abbr></span>, Perspectives: Scholarly Practice, <a href="">Neil Fraistat</a>, Director, Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities)</p>
<p>"Faculty Suggestions in Terms of Institutional Support: 1) Presentations for faculty. 2) Show faculty what is possible." (<span class="glossary-term" title="Scholarly Narratives emerged from W2, describing or exemplifying practices, work, tools and collaboration the community believed should impact and should be impacted by the work of Project Bamboo. Each narrative is intended to describe the work of one or many scholars considered to be part of their responsibility as an academic. Each contributed narrative was assigned a unique identifier."><abbr title="Scholarly Narratives emerged from W2, describing or exemplifying practices, work, tools and collaboration the community believed should impact and should be impacted by the work of Project Bamboo. Each narrative is intended to describe the work of one or many scholars considered to be part of their responsibility as an academic. Each contributed narrative was assigned a unique identifier.">SN-</abbr></span>0037 Group Presentation, <a href="">Andrea Nixon</a>)</p>
<p>"Members of the analysis group resonated with the professor's comments about creating fora in which faculty members could discuss assignments and have discussions with students about their own experiences completing assignments using visual materials. The group also discussed the importance of providing workshops that are tailored to assignments rather than tools. With regard to this case in particular, the College should provide workshops on creating effective presentations rather than on working with PowerPoint or other presentation tools. Such workshops would be of particular value to students." (<span class="glossary-term" title="Scholarly Narratives emerged from W2, describing or exemplifying practices, work, tools and collaboration the community believed should impact and should be impacted by the work of Project Bamboo. Each narrative is intended to describe the work of one or many scholars considered to be part of their responsibility as an academic. Each contributed narrative was assigned a unique identifier."><abbr title="Scholarly Narratives emerged from W2, describing or exemplifying practices, work, tools and collaboration the community believed should impact and should be impacted by the work of Project Bamboo. Each narrative is intended to describe the work of one or many scholars considered to be part of their responsibility as an academic. Each contributed narrative was assigned a unique identifier.">SN-</abbr></span>0037 Group Presentation, <a href="">Andrea Nixon</a>)</p>