Data: Sharing Ideas and Solutions
<p>"awareness of what's going on -- lots of reading but what are people actually doing today" (<span accomplish="" bamboo="" class="glossary-term" do="" hope="" title="Initial Impressions and Questions: " what="" will="" you=""><abbr accomplish="" bamboo="" do="" hope="" title="Initial Impressions and Questions: " what="" will="" you="">Ex 1</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1b (Chicago; May 15-17, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1b (Chicago; May 15-17, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1b</abbr></span>-A)</p>
<p>"finding out what exigencies we share; what are the problems we want to solve; some practical (how can we aggregate data and make it searchable); some more socially/community-defined issues (what kind of knowledge we want to make accessible, and to whom); big, inclusive in-house academic projects" (<span accomplish="" bamboo="" class="glossary-term" do="" hope="" title="Initial Impressions and Questions: " what="" will="" you=""><abbr accomplish="" bamboo="" do="" hope="" title="Initial Impressions and Questions: " what="" will="" you="">Ex 1</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1b (Chicago; May 15-17, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1b (Chicago; May 15-17, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1b</abbr></span>-B)</p>
<p>"Key for Bamboo - Aspires to be a "thing" in which people can expose what it is that's happening among IT and media development organizations. Facilitating" (<span accomplish="" bamboo="" class="glossary-term" do="" hope="" title="Initial Impressions and Questions: " what="" will="" you=""><abbr accomplish="" bamboo="" do="" hope="" title="Initial Impressions and Questions: " what="" will="" you="">Ex 1</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1c (Paris; June 9-11, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1c (Paris; June 9-11, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1c</abbr></span>-A)</p>
<p>"Bamboo as learning space - where researchers can share." (<span accomplish="" bamboo="" class="glossary-term" do="" hope="" title="Initial Impressions and Questions: " what="" will="" you=""><abbr accomplish="" bamboo="" do="" hope="" title="Initial Impressions and Questions: " what="" will="" you="">Ex 1</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1c (Paris; June 9-11, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1c (Paris; June 9-11, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1c</abbr></span>-A)</p>
<p>"Bamboo as home depot, huge numbers of tools, how know best for job? Personal advice on how to evaluate the best tool for the job. Would be helpful to be guided how to choose, think the tools are out there, but don't know how to find them." (Day 2, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1a (Berkeley; April 28-30, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1a (Berkeley; April 28-30, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1a</abbr></span>)</p>
<p>"what's faster than journals but slower than conferences for building up a conversation?" (<span a="" class="glossary-term" day="" during="" good="" really="" title="Exploring Scholarly Practice: "><abbr a="" day="" during="" good="" really="" title="Exploring Scholarly Practice: ">Ex 2</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1b (Chicago; May 15-17, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1b (Chicago; May 15-17, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1b</abbr></span>-A)</p>
<p>"what others are doing enriches the background of one's knowledge but might not apply directly to one's own area of research." (<span a="" class="glossary-term" day="" during="" good="" really="" title="Exploring Scholarly Practice: "><abbr a="" day="" during="" good="" really="" title="Exploring Scholarly Practice: ">Ex 2</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1b (Chicago; May 15-17, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1b (Chicago; May 15-17, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1b</abbr></span>-C)</p>
<p>"search as a paradigm: best search is to find someone who has been there before" (<span a="" class="glossary-term" day="" during="" good="" really="" title="Exploring Scholarly Practice: "><abbr a="" day="" during="" good="" really="" title="Exploring Scholarly Practice: ">Ex 2</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1c (Paris; June 9-11, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1c (Paris; June 9-11, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1c</abbr></span>-C)</p>
<p>"research exists and occurs within a ecosystema system formed by the interaction of a community of organisms with their physical environment" (<span are="" class="glossary-term" common="" emerged="" exploration="" from="" have="" of="" practices="" scholarly="" that="" themes="" title="Common and Uncommon: " what="" your=""><abbr are="" common="" emerged="" exploration="" from="" have="" of="" practices="" scholarly="" that="" themes="" title="Common and Uncommon: " what="" your="">Ex 3</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1d</abbr></span>-A)</p>
<p>"a lack of awareness of what is happening on a given campus. People are not aware of the work of their peers. heard people from one discipline state that they know more about the work of their peers from other universities than they do people from their same university who work in a different discipline" (<span are="" class="glossary-term" discrete="" in="" involved="" practices="" themes="" these="" title="Unpacking a Commonality: " what=""><abbr are="" discrete="" in="" involved="" practices="" themes="" these="" title="Unpacking a Commonality: " what="">Ex 4</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1d</abbr></span>-C)</p>
<p>"can we create mindful space as part of bamboo? part of institutional commitment? develop models of work that allow space for these activities" (<span are="" class="glossary-term" discrete="" in="" involved="" practices="" themes="" these="" title="Unpacking the Uncommon: " what=""><abbr are="" discrete="" in="" involved="" practices="" themes="" these="" title="Unpacking the Uncommon: " what="">Ex 5</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1b (Chicago; May 15-17, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1b (Chicago; May 15-17, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1b</abbr></span>-A)</p>
<p>"can we un-invent e-mail? we've unleashed a frenzy on ourselves. no way to view the context of others -- line out the door. how can we make this not another burden? reduce complexity. can we build spaces that will let us be more mindful. share methodologies for taking control of e-mail -- developing an armor" (<span are="" class="glossary-term" discrete="" in="" involved="" practices="" themes="" these="" title="Unpacking the Uncommon: " what=""><abbr are="" discrete="" in="" involved="" practices="" themes="" these="" title="Unpacking the Uncommon: " what="">Ex 5</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1b (Chicago; May 15-17, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1b (Chicago; May 15-17, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1b</abbr></span>-A)</p>
<p>"For dissertation, I did a shadow database, didn't know TEI existed, I invented my own markup scheme and went on to do it" (<span are="" class="glossary-term" discrete="" in="" involved="" practices="" themes="" these="" title="Unpacking the Uncommon: " what=""><abbr are="" discrete="" in="" involved="" practices="" themes="" these="" title="Unpacking the Uncommon: " what="">Ex 5</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1c (Paris; June 9-11, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1c (Paris; June 9-11, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1c</abbr></span>-D)</p>
<p>"When we look at technologies to support folks, we need to be aware of networking effects." (<span at="" class="glossary-term" graduate="" look="" new-hires="" or="" students="" title="Identify Future Scholarly Practices: " up-and-coming="" when="" you=""><abbr at="" graduate="" look="" new-hires="" or="" students="" title="Identify Future Scholarly Practices: " up-and-coming="" when="" you="">Ex 6a</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1a (Berkeley; April 28-30, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1a (Berkeley; April 28-30, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1a</abbr></span>-D)</p>
<p>"Enable interchange of tech/practice among different humanities organizations" (<span a="" activities="" and="" bamboo="" be="" best="" by="" class="glossary-term" consortial="" discuss="" effort="" explain="" future="" like="" practices="" supported="" think="" title="Opportunities for Bamboo: " which="" why.="" would="" you=""><abbr a="" activities="" and="" bamboo="" be="" best="" by="" consortial="" discuss="" effort="" explain="" future="" like="" practices="" supported="" think="" title="Opportunities for Bamboo: " which="" why.="" would="" you="">Ex 7</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1a (Berkeley; April 28-30, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1a (Berkeley; April 28-30, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1a</abbr></span>-A)</p>
<p>"Access to tools and people..." (<span a="" activities="" and="" bamboo="" be="" best="" by="" class="glossary-term" consortial="" discuss="" effort="" explain="" future="" like="" practices="" supported="" think="" title="Opportunities for Bamboo: " which="" why.="" would="" you=""><abbr a="" activities="" and="" bamboo="" be="" best="" by="" consortial="" discuss="" effort="" explain="" future="" like="" practices="" supported="" think="" title="Opportunities for Bamboo: " which="" why.="" would="" you="">Ex 7</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1a (Berkeley; April 28-30, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1a (Berkeley; April 28-30, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1a</abbr></span>-B)</p>
<p>"The opportunity is for people to begin to learn practices & methods from other disciplines. Risk is to produce lowest-common denominator." (<span a="" activities="" and="" bamboo="" be="" best="" by="" class="glossary-term" consortial="" discuss="" effort="" explain="" future="" like="" practices="" supported="" think="" title="Opportunities for Bamboo: " which="" why.="" would="" you=""><abbr a="" activities="" and="" bamboo="" be="" best="" by="" consortial="" discuss="" effort="" explain="" future="" like="" practices="" supported="" think="" title="Opportunities for Bamboo: " which="" why.="" would="" you="">Ex 7</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1a (Berkeley; April 28-30, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1a (Berkeley; April 28-30, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1a</abbr></span>-E)</p>
<p>"points of entry for people who have already done something that's off in the weeds" (<span a="" activities="" and="" bamboo="" be="" best="" by="" class="glossary-term" consortial="" discuss="" effort="" explain="" future="" like="" practices="" supported="" think="" title="Opportunities for Bamboo: " which="" why.="" would="" you=""><abbr a="" activities="" and="" bamboo="" be="" best="" by="" consortial="" discuss="" effort="" explain="" future="" like="" practices="" supported="" think="" title="Opportunities for Bamboo: " which="" why.="" would="" you="">Ex 7</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1a (Berkeley; April 28-30, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1a (Berkeley; April 28-30, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1a</abbr></span>-F)</p>
<p>"Periodical, predictable meetings have been done very well by a number of technical organizations (IEEE, SIGGRAPH, ACM); also legal. Emphasis on frequency and periodicity: you know when and where you can go to learn about projects. Organizational development will be critical." (<span a="" activities="" and="" bamboo="" be="" best="" by="" class="glossary-term" consortial="" discuss="" effort="" explain="" future="" like="" practices="" supported="" think="" title="Opportunities for Bamboo: " which="" why.="" would="" you=""><abbr a="" activities="" and="" bamboo="" be="" best="" by="" consortial="" discuss="" effort="" explain="" future="" like="" practices="" supported="" think="" title="Opportunities for Bamboo: " which="" why.="" would="" you="">Ex 7</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1c (Paris; June 9-11, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1c (Paris; June 9-11, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1c</abbr></span>-A)</p>
<p>"Need clear bottom-line benefits for my specific project that we can't do w/ in-house stuff" (<span a="" activities="" and="" bamboo="" be="" best="" by="" class="glossary-term" consortial="" discuss="" effort="" explain="" future="" like="" practices="" supported="" think="" title="Opportunities for Bamboo: " which="" why.="" would="" you=""><abbr a="" activities="" and="" bamboo="" be="" best="" by="" consortial="" discuss="" effort="" explain="" future="" like="" practices="" supported="" think="" title="Opportunities for Bamboo: " which="" why.="" would="" you="">Ex 7</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1c (Paris; June 9-11, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1c (Paris; June 9-11, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1c</abbr></span>-C)</p>
<p>"Several issues - 1) Lots of groups like ours that independently develop various tools; if that process is something you could buy into where other projects are creating those systems, where you could use it with minimal effort. There's a way where we already do it, but it's more ad hoc. There's enough available already in one way or another; it'd have to show something quite specific and beneficial" (<span a="" activities="" and="" bamboo="" be="" best="" by="" class="glossary-term" consortial="" discuss="" effort="" explain="" future="" like="" practices="" supported="" think="" title="Opportunities for Bamboo: " which="" why.="" would="" you=""><abbr a="" activities="" and="" bamboo="" be="" best="" by="" consortial="" discuss="" effort="" explain="" future="" like="" practices="" supported="" think="" title="Opportunities for Bamboo: " which="" why.="" would="" you="">Ex 7</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1c (Paris; June 9-11, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1c (Paris; June 9-11, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1c</abbr></span>-C)</p>
<p>"few people understand what others are doing " (<span a="" activities="" and="" bamboo="" be="" best="" by="" class="glossary-term" consortial="" discuss="" effort="" explain="" future="" like="" practices="" supported="" think="" title="Opportunities for Bamboo: " which="" why.="" would="" you=""><abbr a="" activities="" and="" bamboo="" be="" best="" by="" consortial="" discuss="" effort="" explain="" future="" like="" practices="" supported="" think="" title="Opportunities for Bamboo: " which="" why.="" would="" you="">Ex 7</abbr></span>, <span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier."><abbr title="Workshop 1d (Princeton; July 14-16, 2008), Understanding Arts and Humanities Scholarship, brought together interested parties from across the globe to discuss how they work, what challenges they face, and how Bamboo could make their jobs easier.">1d</abbr></span>-A)</p>
<p>"Would be missing something important if we went forward thinking about DHum in any context w/o taking account of amount of work/activity that goes in form of "exchange of ideas". Centers typically the hubs of exchanging ideas across disciplines/in relation to various media. How can DHum help support and enhance kinds of idea exchange contexts and situations that tend to take place at centers?" (<span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 3 (January 12 - 14, 2009) built off the progress of the Working Groups. A straw consortial model for Project Bamboo was also introduced and discussed."><abbr title="Workshop 3 (January 12 - 14, 2009) built off the progress of the Working Groups. A straw consortial model for Project Bamboo was also introduced and discussed.">W3</abbr></span>, Perspectives: Scholarly Practice, <a href="">Anthony Cascardi</a>, Director, Townsend Center for the Humanities)</p>
<p>"Need to do more to address this particular set of opportunities for d hum centers are very good place to pursue this for extension and enhancement of internal scholarly communication that makes up a lot of what humanists do." (<span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 3 (January 12 - 14, 2009) built off the progress of the Working Groups. A straw consortial model for Project Bamboo was also introduced and discussed."><abbr title="Workshop 3 (January 12 - 14, 2009) built off the progress of the Working Groups. A straw consortial model for Project Bamboo was also introduced and discussed.">W3</abbr></span>, Perspectives: Scholarly Practice, <a href="">Anthony Cascardi</a>, Director, Townsend Center for the Humanities)</p>
<p>"Ways in which these efforts can help us/other make public what they're doing in dig technologies in relation to humanities. We're not the only ones who're pursued a piece of a project only to find after months that someone down the hall has already done it. Or that there's a far more widespread use of dig tech by humanists colleagues. Or that grad students in Hum had unbelievable degree of tech expertise." (<span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 3 (January 12 - 14, 2009) built off the progress of the Working Groups. A straw consortial model for Project Bamboo was also introduced and discussed."><abbr title="Workshop 3 (January 12 - 14, 2009) built off the progress of the Working Groups. A straw consortial model for Project Bamboo was also introduced and discussed.">W3</abbr></span>, Perspectives: Scholarly Practice, <a href="">Anthony Cascardi</a>, Director, Townsend Center for the Humanities)</p>
<p>"Title "Bamboo and Content Stewards" changed to "Clumps and Runners". "Torturing the Bamboo metaphor". Exchange of ideas - lots of work in the humanities carried on this way. There are no ideas but in things. Things in the humanities - wide variety of material and cultural heritage. Tracing DNA in parchment to trace movement across medieval systems of commerce. Lots of interest in things in the humanities." (<span class="glossary-term" title="Workshop 3 (January 12 - 14, 2009) built off the progress of the Working Groups. A straw consortial model for Project Bamboo was also introduced and discussed."><abbr title="Workshop 3 (January 12 - 14, 2009) built off the progress of the Working Groups. A straw consortial model for Project Bamboo was also introduced and discussed.">W3</abbr></span>, Perspectives: Content, <a href="">John Unsworth</a>, Dean, Graduate School of Library and Information Science, University of Illinois)</p>