Sorry for all the Drupal: Reflections on the 3rd anniversary of 'Drupal for Humanists'

November 8th 2019

When I finished writing Drupal for Humanists on July 15, 2015, my Magic-the-Gathering-playing, arithmetic-doing kindergartener was a barely-verbal toddler. The night I finished the manuscript was memorable in more ways than one... read more

On the future of Slavic DH in the United States

July 12th 2019

These were my comments framing the "Methodology as Community: Fostering Collaboration Beyond Scholarly Societies" panel at DH 2019 in Utrecht, with Peter Haslinger, Antonina Puchkovskaia, Seth Bernstein... read more

4th Year Russian, 3rd time around

April 2nd 2019

I was 15 when the Cyrillic alphabet shifted from an exotic set of vaguely-familiar symbols to something I could read. After attending high school in Argentina for a summer as an exchange student (where I was first introduced to Harry Potter and his “piedra filosofal”)... read more

Towards a Taxonomy of Failure

January 30th 2019

Introductory note: I intended this talk, given at the "On the Benefits of Failure" workshop [] at the University of Alberta in March 2018 (video available here [])... read more

Annotating geeky fashion (or, what I wore to DH 2014)

July 11th 2014

I've never really thought of myself as fashionable in any sense-- I can count every pair of shoes I own on one hand, own no makeup at all, and pick up clothing staples at the local Goodwill on half-price days... read more

AcWriMo: a postmortem

December 2nd 2012

Here comes winter [] completely failed to have the effect I'd hoped for, but I'm taking it as a sign of a positive change... read more


November 3rd 2012

[/assets/blog/acwrimo.png] the beginning of August, I moved from Chicago to Berkeley. It's been a wonderful change that has come with many upsides... read more

Alternate uses for a Slavic degree: dummy content generator

July 10th 2012

As I've announced elsewhere [], Drupal for Humanists is launching today on its own domain. I wanted to make sure that there was at least one case study available before launch... read more

Drupal book progress (or lack thereof)

June 26th 2012

Writing a book is hard. []'s been about six months since Elijah Meeks and I kicked off our plan to write a book on Drupal for an audience of humanists... read more

Scav hunt or Art? (a guessing game)

May 7th 2012

When spring comes to the University of Chicago campus, there are two annual events that inject a certain whimsical randomness into my work week: Scav Hunt [] and FOTA (Festival of the Arts) []... read more