A 'Wikipedia model' for modernizing scholarly reference

November 20th 2010

Here's the slides from the talk [https://docs.google.com/present/view?id=ddd22j37_129cmv3d2f4] I gave on the Medieval Slavic Wiki [http://www.medievalslavic.org] at DHCS 2010. [http://chicagocolloquium.org/dhcs-program-2010/]... read more

Qi Lu on Bing, Facebook and markets: economists needed, linguists need not apply

November 5th 2010

[http://www.quinndombrowski.com/assets/blog/bing_jwalsh.jpg]http://www.flickr.com/photos/jwalsh_/3866088899/A couple weeks ago I was fortunate enough to be invited to a talk by Qi Lu [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qi_Lu] at the University of Chicago's Computation Institute [http://www.ci.uchicago.edu/]... read more

Medieval font support on Android

October 12th 2010

Cyrillic post-it note [http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2669/3874764643_44c97b3d52_m.jpg]http://www.flickr.com/photos/quinnanya/3874764643/Froyo 2.2 brought native Arabic, Hebrew and Thai support to Android... read more

Installing Cocoon on Ubuntu 10.04 or 10.10

October 10th 2010

This is an updated version of a how-to written for Intrepid (8.10) [/blog/2010/04/15/installing-cocoon-on-ubuntu/], now horrendously out-of-date. It was written for Maverick (10.10) but should also work on Lucid (10.04)... read more

A tale of two Maverick wallpapers

October 9th 2010

After seeing a call for artwork for Ubuntu 10.10 wallpapers on OMG! Ubuntu [http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk], I submitted a handful of photos to the Ubuntu Artwork pool [http://www.flickr.com/groups/ubuntu-artwork/] on Flickr... read more

Chrono Trigger on SNesoid: the Arris Dome password trick

September 22nd 2010

Chrono Trigger and SNesoid [http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4127/5018271353_5651a907e8_m.jpg]http://www.flickr.com/photos/quinnanya/5018271353/I was delighted to discover SNesoid for Android, which has let me relive my favorite childhood games... read more

Uploading to Flickr on Ubuntu: the options aren’t amazing

September 1st 2010

2/24/11 UPDATE: The recent release of Frogr [http://live.gnome.org/Frogr] 0.4 makes this post obsolete. It's the Flickr uploader for Ubuntu I've been waiting for [/blog/2011/02/24/frogr-flickr-uploader-ubuntu-ive-been-waiting]... read more

From rooted Evo 4G to Unrevoked Forever + Froyo

August 16th 2010

Thanks to a clever Sprint employee who secretly stockpiled the coveted phone for new customers, I've had an Evo 4G since the day after it was released. Despite foolishly accepting the first OTA upgrade... read more

State of the projects (early July 2010)

July 10th 2010

BIRCHBARK LETTER XML I have at least a first pass at the names-in-context data for documents 1-23, to supplement the proof-of-concept data I put together previously. MEDIEVAL SLAVIC WIKI I've put together a work plan [http://www.medievalslavic.org/Medieval_Slavic:Current_events] (subject to change) with the articles I'd like to try to incorporate into the wiki by October... read more

Why I've walked away from Apple

July 1st 2010

Yesterday, a friend made the mistake of asking me why I switched from iPhone to Android, on an afternoon when I had some time to kill at the airport. His response to my long e-mail was that I should publish it on a blog somewhere... read more